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sinnrocka t1_iuaug8h wrote

Ok, so foreground is a slice of cheese. Background is a slice of octopus? Caramelized onion? Shrimp? Wtf am I looking at?


blueblink77 OP t1_iuaxck5 wrote

It was calamari pizza. Lol. I was really skeptical at first, but I love calamari and I love pizza, why not try them together 😂 and it actually turned out pretty great! I do wish I had more tbh.


Darth-Poseidon t1_iubg6dk wrote

There’s a place near me that does a white clam pizza. My buddy always said it was one of his faves and I thought he was a weirdo for it, clams on pizza?? Finally tried it and it’s great, I split it with him now lol


OccasionallyLogical t1_iubm3kp wrote

Clam pizza is a New Haven specialty!


aegonix t1_iubheoi wrote

I can see it. I like crunchy crackers in my clam chowder. I like linguini and clams in a white sauce. I like all of the individual ingredients, it stands to reason I'd like the end product, if unusual format.


Mk1Racer25 t1_iucfr0m wrote

White clam pizza is THE BOMB! I think I'll make one today


-RedXV- t1_iuerdmu wrote

I was accidently given the wrong pizza once and it was a clam and roasted garlic pizza. I decided to go with it. It was so good that I now make it at home at least twice a month.


BangoSkank1919 t1_iudbqpr wrote

Delorenzos on Sloan in Hamilton/Trenton NJ, the best white clam pie around


pok3ey3 t1_iubary5 wrote

I’ve had it before for the same reason. So good


short_bus_genius t1_iubnp9j wrote

Calamari substitute is sliced pig bung…. (Story on this American life podcast)


gerd50501 t1_iueopx0 wrote

What is the name of the place that sells calamari pizza?


HelloDuhObvious t1_iubt9yj wrote

Bottom slice looks like a margherita. A plain slice (cheese) for the most part does not have basil.