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Latvia t1_iudjh5k wrote

Reply to comment by ralphy1010 in [I ate] NY pizza by blueblink77

I don't think that's what I mean. It's probably true. But what I mean is that NYC bagels are FAR superior to any bagel I've had anywhere else in the country, at any time.


ralphy1010 t1_iudyqdw wrote

They are and the above is the reason for that. It's mainly a form of confirmation bias


Latvia t1_iue6f7m wrote

Not really. The circumstance you described exists in a lot of places at a lot of times. NY bagels are better despite other places having the same situation. And on the flip side, the circumstances change. Even when competition is fluctuating, I've never had a bagel outside of NY that was nearly as good as what I've had there. If your hypothesis was true, literally everything would be better in NY. And I hope we can agree that is not even close to true.


ralphy1010 t1_iuecv5z wrote

I'd say the majority of what the city has to offer is better most of the time.


Latvia t1_iuee7ki wrote

Everything else I eat there is pretty comparable to anywhere else in the country.


ralphy1010 t1_iufgerd wrote

I suppose it depends on where you went and what you had.

Katz's is a great example, the serving is massive and it's one of those iconic spots\tourist traps but I honestly feel other places do better pastrami and offer a better value for the money.

Grand Central Oyster Bar is a nice enough place and the prices are fair but I would always advise people to check out Maison Premier if they are looking for oysters as they tend to have a better selection on their menu and the oysters they serve tend to be larger and meatier for a similar price.


PoliSciNerd24 t1_iuelwiy wrote

The thing is, we do kind of do everything just a bit better here. The food is incredible in this city and you don’t get the variety and quality in most other cities and you damn sure won’t find it in the metro/suburb areas of other cities. From manhattan all the way to Long Island the food is just fire.


Latvia t1_iues1n4 wrote

I have eaten in cities across the country. Sorry, but I had better food overall in St Louis than NY. And for specifics, each part of the country usually specializes on certain foods, and basically everyone knows and accepts that. Weird to dig in and say "no we're better than everyone at everything!" just because your original comment didn't really make sense.


PoliSciNerd24 t1_iuethco wrote

I forgot about the fine dining of St. Louis, Missouri. It’s a well known destination for lovers of fine cuisine from all over the world.

Obviously different regions have their specialties. Not gonna find great crab boils or even barbecue in New York. But in terms of best overall choices for places to eat? You can’t beat New York. Every culture is represented here in high quality, for the most part.


Latvia t1_iuf23ym wrote

Just like in about 100 other places. Bagels are 🔥. Everything else is not unique to NY as far as quality. The pizza is underwhelming.


PoliSciNerd24 t1_iuf3t49 wrote

Name a single city that has the same level of food in this country. You can’t. Ffs you tried to say some shithole in MO was better, no one should take anything you say serious lol.


Latvia t1_iuf7stm wrote

Hating on St Louis is just proving my point. I had food all over NYC and all over St Louis. STL was better overall. Hell, there's a single street there with as much food diversity as you'll find in all of Manhattan. No one is going to agree with you that NYC (or any other city) has better quality of every food than every other city. It's a silly point that you made not realizing how dumb it was, and now you're digging in instead of just shutting up or god forbid acknowledging it was dumb. Bye


PoliSciNerd24 t1_iufext1 wrote

Lmfao. Yes. St Louis has more food diversity than New York. Absolutely delusional.


Latvia t1_iufgbmc wrote

You know you can't defend your original argument, so you gave up and just deflect deflect deflect. Your next comment will also be another deflection to avoid defending your argument, which I'll remind you was "the only reason bagels are better in NY is because literally all food is better there than anywhere in the US due to the high cost of rent." Go ahead 😆😆😆


PoliSciNerd24 t1_iufi1rb wrote

I never mentioned rent. Just that the food here is the best in the country. Which you then tried to say was wrong and that… St. Louis, Missouri, had better food. Which is something I think most people couldn’t say with a straight face and reads like a shitty joke.


Latvia t1_iufr35p wrote

See you've resorted to straight up lying. You know the comments are still there, right? 😆😆 Is this that important to you?


PoliSciNerd24 t1_iufyst3 wrote

Go direct me to where is said anything about rent or cost of living or anything. You’re mixing me up w the other person because your hick ass can’t read.