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zdevilinside t1_ivvk12x wrote



lollipye OP t1_ivxw2qs wrote

Recipe: -One medium pumpkin (around 1 kg of pumpkin of ur choice i picked butternut squash).

-Grate it and stir-fry it along with condiments of your choice. i picked vanilla extract, a little bit of rum, lemon zest and a bit of caramel. Also add sugar,a bit of salt and a bit of butter.

-set it aside and open up your phyllo dough and put down a couple of layers on your greased up baking pan. (i used store bought phyllo dough) .

-The first layers go easy on the melted butter to avoid the dough getting too soggy.

-After, put the mixture of squash on the phyllo and add some crushed nuts of your choice on top of the if as well like a second layer of filing (i used walnuts)

-Afterwards cover it up with another sheet of phyllo and grease it up. Continue to grease them up but do it every other sheet. Think of it like this: first sheet is greased up second one isn’t, the next one is greased up and the one after isn’t. Something like that.

• ⁠Put the pan in the preheated oven at medium heat on the middle level of the oven. After ten minutes have passed move your pan on the top level of the oven to avoid the bottom being burnt and to crisp up the top.

-In the meanwhile prepare the syrup you’re gonna use to moisten the pie/baklava.

-in a sauce pan put 200 ml of water 6 spoonfuls of sugar. Let it boil for 10 minutes then add your condiment of choice (i used caramel extract). Let it boil for another 5 minutes and set it aside.

-check on your pan and if the top layer looks crispy and golden brown it’s time to take it out.

-Put the cake down and add your syrup slowly. (Take notice of your cake too if it looks too soggy you should stop adding the syrup)

-Let it cool down but don’t put it in the fridge.


Im sorry if this was hard to read but im on my phone and English isn’t my first language.



wishthane t1_ivvh6tr wrote

That looks so nice. I often can't eat baklava because I can't eat pistachios (and most other nuts), I would love to try this


solocaloc t1_ivv09ur wrote

did you just pumpkin spice baklava?


7urbo2 t1_ivv0hp6 wrote

Typically Balkan. Hope that you’ve got loads of spice in the pumpkin filling. Beautifully baked. 👌


CuttiestMcGut t1_ivvb9z7 wrote

Nice work, OP, this looks mouth-watering.


[deleted] t1_ivvpqmn wrote

That looks amazing! I’ve never made baklava, is it difficult?


spetrillob t1_ivvv2dk wrote

If you buy your phyllo dough, it's not that hard. You just have to make sure you use enough butter so that the layers don't dry out. Also, the thin layers might be a bit difficult to navigate, but it's just something you have to be patient with and get used to. Even if you mess up, the combo of nuts, sugar, butter, and pastry will always be delicious!