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TechnicallySpaghetti t1_iy67ic3 wrote

Uh oh here come the bean police


cyclicamp t1_iy6npgj wrote

The bean police! Chili’s always in their head

The bean police! They hate beans black, pinto, red

The bean police! They’re coming to downvote me, oh no!


Notyourdaisy t1_iy6pzn0 wrote

Beat me to it. All of Texas just saw this and in their heads heard “If you know beans about chili, you know chili ain’t got beans.”


goliathfasa t1_iy70c7i wrote

Wait if you don’t put beans in chili, wtf do you put in it? It’s just beans and spice right? And not meat since that’s the “con carne” part.


Notyourdaisy t1_iy7uoy0 wrote

Oh no that’s what Texas says. I’m from New England. Anything hot that I can eat with a spoon I’m for.


TerrorAlpaca t1_iy94fst wrote

"sin carne" would be without meat


goliathfasa t1_iy94qoy wrote

Oh yeah that’s what I meant. That there’s no meat in the chili part since meat is in the carne part. So it’d be weird to have chili with meat, since chili con carne would then be chili with meat with meat.


Sriracha-Enema t1_iy8ikdg wrote

It's not a Texas Chili if has beans. Put what you want in your chili as long as it contains chili's but Texas Chili does not have beans. It's a very specific recipe that has very little wiggle room as far as ingredients go.

I have zero problem with a chili that uses tomatoes and contains beans, but a true Texas Chili does not.


Borghal t1_iy8xm6l wrote

> chili that uses tomatoes [...], but a true Texas Chili does not.

The first two recipes for "true Texas chili" I found use tomatoes. How else do you get sauce if you omit them?


Cousinjemima t1_iy8yobx wrote

I think they mean like tomato chuncks. Of course chili has tomato paste in it, it has to lol.


Sriracha-Enema t1_iy91vfb wrote

Dried chilies, re-hydrate them and blend them with a stock. This is the base/paste.

Saute fresh peppers, onions and garlic. Add spices, paste and more stock. Simmer for hours then thicken with harina masa or corn tortillas.