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Midnightsun2022 OP t1_iy4kh81 wrote

1 Tbsp oil 2 onions 4 large garlic Cloves 2 1/2 lb ground beef 5 tbsp chili powder (depends how spicy you want) 1 tbsp Paprika 1 tsp oregano 2 19oz tomato juice 2 cans red kidney beans 1 tsp salt

Fry onions and beef in a large pan, drain and transfer to a pot and add the rest of the ingredients. Cook over a low heat for 1 hour.


karituba t1_iy4nbjz wrote

Please try not to spill the chili


Booblicle t1_iy4vpeu wrote

My mother always told me that cumin is what gives chili it's aroma and characteristic flavor.

Instead of tomato juice, use diced tomatoes and perhaps tomato paste to thicken it

Optionally, you can add pinto beans along with the kidneys. ( Also helps with thickening )

There are other more personalized ideas.

My mother's chili always seemed like soup and while it tastes great, it wasn't exactly chili in my mind.

Also! Using diced tomatoes ( 2 cans or more ) adds liquid. And let's you cook it longer, and blends those flavors you add. Unfortunately, my mother used to add even more water. Understandable when using a crockpot for 5 hours, but that added water is a no in my book.


traun t1_iy4xi9a wrote

i use a copycat wendys chili recipe.
2lbs ground beef
29oz tomato sauce
29oz pinto beans
29oz kidney beans
chopped tomatoes(tend to leave this out)
green pepper
3 tbsp chili powder
2 tsp cumin
2 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
2 cup water(depends how you thick or thin you want it, 2 cups usually cooks out to make pretty thick)


Midnightsun2022 OP t1_iy51gve wrote

This recipe tastes pretty close to the Tim Hortons chili. I've yet to learn the "eat the bowl" recipe where the chili goes in the bun and we eat the bowl lol


BrewDawgs t1_iy53qmh wrote

Looks delicious but you’re gonna trigger those bean hating Texans! 😂. I have room for both in my life!


Dannnyaa t1_iy5877r wrote

Add some fried veggies, paprika, and mixed herbs :)


LeCifra t1_iy5ca8y wrote

Why does chili always have beans Please don't roast me for asking this


Most_Basil_3899 t1_iy5d411 wrote

How has no one mentioned dark chocolate yet??? It is the game changer for chilli.


howmany_squids t1_iy5drrj wrote

“The trick is to undercook the onions. Everybody is going to get to know each other in the pot.”


alanbastard t1_iy5i72q wrote

Oregano and cumin and chilli powder. NO GARLIC.


pistolbob t1_iy5jkbg wrote

The trick is to undercook the onions, everyone is going to get know each other in the pot


kimvely_anna t1_iy5mo45 wrote

This reminds the chili contest with my friends a long time ago. Look spicy and delicious!


Takenabe t1_iy5r6ju wrote

Yup. My own family chili recipe includes quite a bit of tomato, and once that's been cooking for a while if it starts to get too thick we add some tomato juice instead of water to get it back to where it should be. The taste of tomato juice actually isn't anywhere near as strong once it's been cooking for a while, so it basically just acts as an umami boost as long as you don't overdo it.


Desperate-Ad-6463 t1_iy5wlfk wrote

That looks Hearty and Rib-Stickin'.

I'm gonna have to do that sometime on a chilly day.


motociclista t1_iy649sp wrote

I just opened the comments to see if there would be Texans complaining about beans. You never disappoint, Reddit.


viverator t1_iy6668d wrote

I Always use whole peeled San Marzano tomatoes, gives it a much more rustic look and flavour.

I always use fatty mince as it tastes way nicer. And don’t over fry it.

I always use Cumin, paprika, cayenne and hot chilli powder.

and I always use more than one type of bean, Kidney Bean, cannellini beans and black beans. ( hint: I love beans ) Goya Organic taste the best.

Add more chilli than you think you need and simmer for longer to mellow out the flavour. Once you think it’s done, simmer it for 15 more minutes.

It always tastes best when it’s frozen and reheated. Don’t know why.

Man, I want some chilli now.


jls75076 t1_iy6aws1 wrote

Chili doesn’t have beans. Bean soup, on the other hand, does.


jceurvorst t1_iy6cp4i wrote

Oops, you accidentally put beans in it.


DrMrRaisinBran t1_iy6dfad wrote

For those who insist chili can't have beans, how would you possibly make vegetarian chili?? There'd be nothing to it


itsmerowe t1_iy6e0ms wrote

Add a little peanut butter and that's a delicious meal.


drewbeardcore t1_iy6gh0k wrote

Also, if chili can’t have beans, then what the fuck are chili beans? Cause I buy cans upon cans of them every time I make my delicious chili. And if I’m lazy, I’ll snag a can of Hormel chili WITH BEANS


MeatBeater19 t1_iy6gtel wrote

Curious, why do you guys call a dish made with ground beef and beans, chili?


CNCHack t1_iy6i5ng wrote

We added a handful of Hatch Chiles last time we made chili. It was amazing


IDGAFOS13 t1_iy6il6d wrote

get some green peppers and onions in there


Shoddy-Indication798 t1_iy6jl1d wrote

Hey it looks wonderful. I made a batch last week it was so good I love to add a bunch of nuances like different sauces and really prepped over chopping and ingredients etc. I never make soup stews or Chili's without throwing a lot of mojo into them basically is what I'm saying.


FictionalDudeWanted t1_iy6ny9b wrote

Peppers, Onions and Garlic exist for a reason; also black beans.


valkyrie0921 t1_iy6rg2d wrote

This. I remember when I started making my own chili I realized that the smell and taste I usually associate with chili is actually cumin, not chili powder. Then I realized how little people actually use cumin in their chili.


new-aged t1_iy6rl4o wrote

I’m going to be downvoted to hell for this but Wendys chili is actually fire. I will drive 1000 miles for a large cup of chili and fries


Cowclops t1_iy6v0vu wrote

And level up beyond green bell peppers... use poblanos! And ancho chili peppers too! And if you wanna go crazy, see if your supermarket has dried guajillo peppers and throw some of those in too!

It ain't chile con carne without chiles!


Eon_PNW t1_iy6w2vx wrote

Why is it all one color?


Boomsta22 t1_iy6x0m7 wrote

I would love to swap pots of chili with you and then have a friendly argument with you for six years about whose was better.


RazzleberryHaze t1_iy6y7x7 wrote

I hear the gatekeeping bean police on their way... "It'S NOt cHili iF IT hAs BeANs" Modern chili is derived from chile con carne which literally means chilies WITH MEAT. If you want to gatekeep, why stop at the beans?


diakrys t1_iy6z36f wrote

Mmm with cheddar cheese and sour cream with bread lol


Booblicle t1_iy7cpz2 wrote

Instead of cayenne, I use jalapeno. though I've done habanero also. Usually, I use pintos that already has jalapeno ( can't think of the name offhand ). Cayenne had a different taste and appeal to me. Might work in a chicken chili


Shrekowski t1_iy7plxk wrote

Don’t drop it like Kevin


Kdj87 t1_iy7vx7y wrote

I've never understood the hatred for beans in chili. It's possible to have too many beans yeah, but it's not like you have to take meat out to put the beans in. They can coexist


ImFromYorkshire t1_iy7w1mr wrote

I use Cumin normally but if I am going whole hog and ordering dried poblanos, guajillos (sp?) , anchos etc I sometimes leave it out as it can dominate more subtle flavours, I get the savouriness in there with other spices in that case


24andmovingon t1_iy838l8 wrote

This is honestly the first time I’ve heard that some people don’t put beans in their chili. I learn something new everyday


ThickAsianAccent t1_iy865uo wrote

I upvote everyone who pointed out this yankee stew has beans, which is perfectly acceptable. I also enjoy beans in my yankee stew.

Anyone who knows beans about chili knows chili ain’t got no beans.

  • Abraham Lincoln

DawgPound919 t1_iy8ad8l wrote

With corn chips, shreddedd cheese and dollop of Daisy, you got yourself a meal there!


Matthocleus t1_iy8c8bx wrote

Homemade ground meat and beans.


phonlyone t1_iy8f966 wrote

Cumin Cumin Cumin, then 2 pieces of dark chocolate and a hint of cinnamon


Sriracha-Enema t1_iy8ikdg wrote

It's not a Texas Chili if has beans. Put what you want in your chili as long as it contains chili's but Texas Chili does not have beans. It's a very specific recipe that has very little wiggle room as far as ingredients go.

I have zero problem with a chili that uses tomatoes and contains beans, but a true Texas Chili does not.


Borghal t1_iy8xm6l wrote

> chili that uses tomatoes [...], but a true Texas Chili does not.

The first two recipes for "true Texas chili" I found use tomatoes. How else do you get sauce if you omit them?


bigatomicjellyfish t1_iy8y0lc wrote

Why's it only meat and one type of bean.

Put two more beans in there, Tomato, Peppers, Onion, Then we talk


0sprinkl t1_iy91i2t wrote

Minus the beans this is pretty much a spaghetti sauce recipe to me.

Chili con carne to me is spaghetti sauce + beans, corn, cumin and cinnamon, I was going to use a more "authentic" recipe next time but looks like this ain't gonna be it either.


Sriracha-Enema t1_iy91vfb wrote

Dried chilies, re-hydrate them and blend them with a stock. This is the base/paste.

Saute fresh peppers, onions and garlic. Add spices, paste and more stock. Simmer for hours then thicken with harina masa or corn tortillas.


goliathfasa t1_iy94qoy wrote

Oh yeah that’s what I meant. That there’s no meat in the chili part since meat is in the carne part. So it’d be weird to have chili with meat, since chili con carne would then be chili with meat with meat.