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MrPlatonicPanda t1_ixp9gv9 wrote


EAS0 OP t1_ixpb4gu wrote

This show is on my list to watch!

Also, side note because my husband has to always point this out to me and it goes with the clip; Lake trout are actually related to char and are not true trout! So the guy is kinda right about it being marketing haha


MrPlatonicPanda t1_ixpb9l2 wrote

Move it higher up your list. Fantastic show that still rings true today. Easily one of my top 3 shows of all time. Rewatched it a bunch of times.

Also delicious looking fish. Well done


EAS0 OP t1_ixpbe32 wrote

Will do! And thank you!


Mk1Racer25 t1_ixrkfa8 wrote

Really? Never knew that. They look like Rainbow, except for the 'V' tail


EAS0 OP t1_ixrpjys wrote

Yup! We didn’t know either until my husband read it in a book. They are all from the salmonidae family though.


Frontiersman_ t1_ixoot24 wrote

Did you debone the trout? It's tricky but worth it


EAS0 OP t1_ixoqbla wrote

No. I’m too lazy usually haha. My husband catches them, and I clean and cook them. He has a habit of catching them when I’m justtttt about to go to sleep or already in bed!

I do debone lake whitefish before I cook it. I just pull the bones out with tweezers. Is there a faster way?


Canadian_Neckbeard t1_ixoscq5 wrote

There's tweezers made specifically to debone fish that do the job more easily, but it's only marginally faster than regular old tweezers.


Frontiersman_ t1_ixq3ctc wrote

I found a trick to use a sharp knife to cut the meat around the majority of the bones, and then there's just about a dozen pin bones to pull out with tweezers. The resultant filet doesn't look as pretty as in your picture but it's nice to have zero bones


Due_Platypus_3913 t1_ixp1g9q wrote

Looks like perfection!Must have been a big one.


EAS0 OP t1_ixp2gtp wrote

Thank you! It was actually two trout. My husband actually trimmed a bunch of fat. They recommend not eating bigger than 25 inches.


ProbablyCranky t1_ixp2mz9 wrote

Why do they recommend that?


EAS0 OP t1_ixp2sqs wrote

Lake trout apparently live a really long time. If you eat the bigger ones, they are older and have absorbed more harmful stuff from the water. A lot of that stuff is also stored in fat, so it’s good to trim it.


Lillymorrison t1_ixpyy3w wrote

Takes golden brown to a whole new level.


kaewberg t1_ixrt2zt wrote

My wife does a simulacrum of this by putting the pieces in a regular oven at 60 deg Celsius for 30 hours. Always better if you can do it over fire (or embers)


EAS0 OP t1_ixrxi0v wrote

I have never seen the word simulacrum until today.

She keeps them in the oven for 30 hours at 60c? Do they dry out?


kaewberg t1_ixtaavz wrote

Yes, very much so. Which is the intent. This is lox jerkey. Spices are involved.


EAS0 OP t1_ixtcf2h wrote

Ah, a jerky! I’ve never tried trout or salmon jerky, but I have seen it. Do you slice it really thin?


kaewberg t1_ixtdx8b wrote

Small chunks, but perhaps not what you would call thin. Quarter inch?


EAS0 OP t1_ixte0hb wrote

Sounds tasty! Like little smoked nuggets!