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EAS0 OP t1_ixpb4gu wrote

This show is on my list to watch!

Also, side note because my husband has to always point this out to me and it goes with the clip; Lake trout are actually related to char and are not true trout! So the guy is kinda right about it being marketing haha


MrPlatonicPanda t1_ixpb9l2 wrote

Move it higher up your list. Fantastic show that still rings true today. Easily one of my top 3 shows of all time. Rewatched it a bunch of times.

Also delicious looking fish. Well done


EAS0 OP t1_ixpbe32 wrote

Will do! And thank you!


Mk1Racer25 t1_ixrkfa8 wrote

Really? Never knew that. They look like Rainbow, except for the 'V' tail


EAS0 OP t1_ixrpjys wrote

Yup! We didn’t know either until my husband read it in a book. They are all from the salmonidae family though.