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TheConeIsReturned t1_j1rkgdg wrote

Reply to comment by [deleted] in [Homemade] Ratatouille by mrs_catl8dy

I don't know if you keep deleting your comments (or why), but I'll reply to what I was able to read.

Keller's Confit Byaldi resembles a tian because both ratatouille and tian are Provencale dishes. Confit Byaldi is not a tian, however, because it contains a piperade at the bottom (essentially a slurry/sauce of roasted bell peppers and shallots), which a tian does not have. There is also no cheese, which tians often contain.

It's okay to be mistaken. You don't have to dig in your heels defending a hill not worth dying for.

This is Thomas Keller's Confit Byaldi, not a tian. They look similar but are not the same. If OP says they made ratatouille, and it looks like this, they have made Confit Byaldi.

Bonus: read this and take note of the final paragraph


[deleted] t1_j1rmlge wrote



TheConeIsReturned t1_j1rn29o wrote

Okay, now you're just being needlessly fucking dense.

This literally is Thoams Keller's confit byaldi. Full stop. You are the one who has literally no idea what they're talking about, and you're objectively incorrect.

I'm willing to bet you've never even seen Ratatouille, so kindly go watch it and get off of reddit for a day.

Would you also argue that ocean water isn't salty?