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mattne421 t1_j18xgpt wrote

Are you sure that's carbonara?

I make this all this time and it's definitely supposed to have scrambled eggs in it.


kalarm2 t1_j19ixb8 wrote

I don't think it is, the egg should just be a tiny bit cooked but not enough to clump and look like scrambled eggs. Usually that means just pouring the egg + cheese sauce on the still very warm pasta that were just finished cooking.


FarmRevolutionary844 t1_j19puj7 wrote

Commenter above was kidding. Many of us who are "barely okay" at making carbonara mess up by accidentally scrambling the eggs.


kalarm2 t1_j19ql53 wrote

Oh sorry 😅😂 to not screw up I cook the meat before starting the pasta, the time it takes for the pasta to be cooked makes the meat pan cool enough that the only heat is from the pasta.


Tato_tudo t1_j1c2d6o wrote

Where are the frozen peas. No self respecting Italian would eat this