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mattne421 t1_j18xgpt wrote

Are you sure that's carbonara?

I make this all this time and it's definitely supposed to have scrambled eggs in it.


kalarm2 t1_j19ixb8 wrote

I don't think it is, the egg should just be a tiny bit cooked but not enough to clump and look like scrambled eggs. Usually that means just pouring the egg + cheese sauce on the still very warm pasta that were just finished cooking.


FarmRevolutionary844 t1_j19puj7 wrote

Commenter above was kidding. Many of us who are "barely okay" at making carbonara mess up by accidentally scrambling the eggs.


kalarm2 t1_j19ql53 wrote

Oh sorry 😅😂 to not screw up I cook the meat before starting the pasta, the time it takes for the pasta to be cooked makes the meat pan cool enough that the only heat is from the pasta.


Tato_tudo t1_j1c2d6o wrote

Where are the frozen peas. No self respecting Italian would eat this


Duke_of_Blandford_II t1_j17t5am wrote

Looks delicious. Is that guanciale?


YonoPar OP t1_j17t8ss wrote

Sure is


Duke_of_Blandford_II t1_j17tp25 wrote

That's some great work. I can't get guanciale where I live so I ended up having to make it myself. I didn't expect it to be so much better than belly pork.


YonoPar OP t1_j17tz5j wrote

It’s great and the massive amounts of fat make it so much tastier even if it cuts years off my life haha. But yeah pretty hard to come by where I live in Australia.


Duke_of_Blandford_II t1_j17u72g wrote

If you can get hold of pigs cheeks and you've got a reasonably low- humidity fridge, it's not that difficult to make. We've all got to die of something, so why not die of something that's delicious?


YonoPar OP t1_j17udmp wrote

Might have to give it a try once the fridge is cleared of ridiculous amounts of Christmas food


LeRay_Vlidz t1_j18mc60 wrote

Omg this looks sooo good !!!


Hughesybooze t1_j17xs74 wrote

I want that plate.

Also, looks dope, I’ve been trying to get carbonara down recently. Annoyingly my 1st attempt was by far the best one, but I’m getting there.


YonoPar OP t1_j18e7iv wrote

You’ll get it down soon enough 🙏🏼


rammellus t1_j18ccl5 wrote

Looks good, man! Next time try it with spaghetti or mezze maniche and use pecorino romano if available. You'll get a wonderful creamy sauce


YonoPar OP t1_j18ei37 wrote

Yeah I use pecorino Romano and top with parm reggiano. I usually stick to thicker pasta cos spaghetti is a pain in the ass to make 😌


questi0neverythin9 t1_j18h571 wrote

If you’re aiming for a true carbonara, then you need to use dried pasta typical of the south of Italy, like spaghettoni. Carbonara needs a firm al dente pasta with a bite and as such fresh pasta is not used for carbonara, or any of the Roman pastas aside from cacio e pepe. The starch quality of the cooking water from the dried pasta will also improve emulsification of the sauce.

In general, dried and fresh pasta are not interchangeable. They are different and used differently, and are suitable to different dishes.


YonoPar OP t1_j1ad1e7 wrote

The carbonara on your page does look absolutely amazing though, I aspire to get my sauce looking that glossy.


YonoPar OP t1_j1acfk8 wrote

I’m all for tradition, my mum and her entire living family are Sicilian immigrants. You don’t need to stick to rules so aggressively, I enjoy making pasta fresh so I will make it fresh. Also you can get al dente pasta from fresh pasta?


skisagooner t1_j1c3u7r wrote

>you can get al dente pasta from fresh pasta?

No you can't.

>Sicilian immigrants

Pretty sure flour-and-egg fresh pasta is a more north thing. Try flour-and-water. Carbonara isn't meant to be egg on egg, so works best with flour-and-water.


[deleted] t1_j18qvwq wrote



cococactus t1_j1904ii wrote

He’s talking about making it, not boiling from a box


PI_Dude t1_j1918f0 wrote

Ah,ok. Yeah, spaghetti are kinda hard to make. Myself I make mostly fettuccine. They are easily done. At least without a machine. There are many machines out there though that make it easy, to get almost every kind of pasta.


rammellus t1_j19ba7j wrote

Oh I'm sorry then, the parm flakes deceived me xD. Anyway I was talking about boxed spaghetti, if you find a good Italian brand it's gonna be way better than making them yourself.


YonoPar OP t1_j1acp03 wrote

Finding a good dry pasta where I live is difficult but yeah it is usually better. I was pretty shocked to find out Italians themselves don’t even make their own pasta while I was living there, they just buy it dried.


rammellus t1_j1az0m0 wrote

Yeah it's kinda rare, I've only made some types of fresh pasta like tagliatelle and tortellini on special occasions


skisagooner t1_j1c3xhf wrote

>Italians themselves don’t even make their own pasta while I was living there, they just buy it dried.

Good lesson for you fresh pasta purists


jacket13 t1_j17vs4j wrote

One of the better ones I have seen but still a lack of creamy white sauce sticking to the pasta.

8/10 good job.


YonoPar OP t1_j17vxs9 wrote

Authentic carbonara typically doesn’t get much white sauce as it doesn’t use cream.


Sahlokn1r t1_j17y9w8 wrote

You don’t put “creamy white sauce” in a Carbonara. That’s how you ruin it.


YonoPar OP t1_j182w85 wrote

Yes! Thank you “In many ways the work of a critic is easy”


SampleSurgeon t1_j18a4wl wrote

Pretty sure he meant creamy yellow sauce as in emulsified pasta water with pork fat, eggs and cheese. I would also say there could be more of that, still looks great tho


YonoPar OP t1_j18eydg wrote

Yeah one of the main problems with authentic carbonara is the sauce very quickly dries up and loses its gloss. I promise it looked even better moments before this photo 😅


SampleSurgeon t1_j19v3bq wrote

Yeah I know that issue. Helps if you make it a tad runny with pasta water and the net it sit in the pan for 5 or 10 mins before serving. Needs a bit more patience but it turns out way saucier


YonoPar OP t1_j1acuno wrote

I’m always a bit hesitant on adding too much liquid but I’ll give it a go next time, thanks!