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Stonefly_C t1_j25gl3o wrote

Is this supposed to be a Breton Galette?


Daftmunkey t1_j25zl94 wrote

Had me confused at first...I was thinking that salmon looks brown and weird...then I saw it was wrapped in a galette which I've never seen. Interesting...being French Canadian I know a galette as being a desert cookie cuz that's what my grandparents called them. Makes me wonder how it tastes like.


InstructionOk5946 OP t1_j26138i wrote

Do you want a simple recipe of galette ? Here you have it : ham and cheese galette You need : a froment galette, a pan the size of your galette, another pan, a slice of ham, shredded cheese and an egg Step one : in the small pan, fry an egg (the yolk should be still liquid) Step two : while your egg is cooking, in the large pan, throw your galette with half of the cheese, the ham and the other half of the cheese Step three : put your egg on the galette Step four : fold your galette like a little present 🎁 :) Step five : salt pepper and some chive on the yolk NB : once you threw your galette in the pan you need to go the fastest as possible or your galette will break instead of fold so cook your egg before the galette Then enjoy 😉


Idris__ t1_j26baqb wrote

I am Breton myself, this brings tears to my eyes as I am currently living in UK, I hope you enjoyed it my friend 😊


tropicalazure t1_j26paqk wrote

Ahhh I can smell the butter from here. Delicious! Breton galettes are some of the most satisfying foods I’ve had. I like mine simple.. ham, Emmental and tomatoes.


tropicalazure t1_j26popk wrote

Just to say I love your country! I’ve spent many happy times there on holiday and one day hope to live there. I have a little pouch of Sel de Guerande that I treasure and my heart is happiest by the Breton coast.