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kyle_fochville t1_j1jjajk wrote

Amazing! What did you / your SIL use as the base/ trunk of the olive tree πŸ™‚


train_spotting OP t1_j1jwep6 wrote

A styrofoam cone from hobby lobby! ☺️ It was covered in foil for obvious reasons. She did great


mind_the_umlaut t1_j1kapu9 wrote

Whoops! Can't go to Hobby Lobby for one, but I bet they are available elsewhere!


train_spotting OP t1_j1kbx40 wrote

Damn. Why not? I honestly love the store! I should gotten some dimensions for you guys .


mind_the_umlaut t1_j1ku5ws wrote

They initiated the lawsuit that got corporations granted the same rights as people... but thanks, Waltur, for sharing the link!


train_spotting OP t1_j1kun4k wrote

Wasn't aware of that. Reddit downvotes me for not having that knowledge. Strange. Thanks for the heads-up


KakarotMaag t1_j1ldu4c wrote

They're a horrible company with a long history of despicable practices.


sandtigeress t1_j1lkayy wrote

wow. looks good. i definitely will try that at some time.