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H_E_DoubleHockeyStyx t1_j5otd2z wrote

People are really hating on your burger for some reason, dude. Looks fine to me tho.


madmonster444 OP t1_j5pruqm wrote

Idk man I never claimed it’s a 3 Michelin star burger lmfao. Thanks though.


SheShmokes t1_j5q3nx4 wrote

Looks super yum! Sorry all the trolls found your cheeseburger. I’d eat the shit outtta dat


Will3622 t1_j5me6bs wrote

I’ve had a lot of different burgers in my life, and I’ve noticed that the best ones are usually also the messier looking ones. I would definitely try the burger in this pic!


Owlmystery t1_j5n4lra wrote

Looks like a big breakfast burger


madmonster444 OP t1_j5prozw wrote

I made breakfast burgers the other day with hash brown patties and fried eggs. Underrated.


CeeArthur t1_j5pev64 wrote

Is that when you take a Big Breakfast from McDonald's and turn it into a sandwich? How have I not thought of that before...


madmonster444 OP t1_j5qng9m wrote

McDonald’s doesn’t have to be involved. A nice hash brown patty, a fried egg with a molten yolk, a big beef patty… you’ve got yourself a day ending breakfast.


Im_right_yousuck t1_j5na36w wrote

Might be a bit floppy, but looks damn good to me!


Martin_mar1in t1_j5o6pyh wrote

damn bro you did break it this time


bibkek t1_j5qfgv7 wrote

Only things I would change is a better bun and caramelize the onions. Looks good.


madmonster444 OP t1_j5qmuht wrote

I agree with the bun for sure. It’s just what I had on hand and I didn’t feel like shopping.

Caramelized onions would be good, but I didn’t feel like stirring onions for half an hour, and sometimes I prefer raw onions to cut through the more rich flavours like beef and mushrooms. I did rinse them in cold water to get rid of that sulphuric flavour though.


grunkage t1_j5qtcqn wrote

I can't understand hating on this. Looks delicious!


pablothenice t1_j5nw8g4 wrote

Not a cheeseburger and how tf do you eat it? With a large spoon?


madmonster444 OP t1_j5o11yu wrote

With your hands. On my plate after eating, there was nothing but beef juices and one or two slices of onion. Not nearly as messy as it looks.


pablothenice t1_j5o40fw wrote

and messy hands. Im on a burger you cant normally side, not a tower with large tootpicks


grunkage t1_j5qt8lv wrote

Honestly, if you don't have messy hands after eating a burger, the burger sucked.


madmonster444 OP t1_j5sfq25 wrote

If your hands are clean, the beef was over cooked for sure.


Slow-Concentrate7169 t1_j5m3eua wrote

Might want to give it a gourmet name instead of cheeseburger.


madmonster444 OP t1_j5m6cs1 wrote

Deluxe cheeseburger?

It’s not really gourmet, it’s some rat fucked ground beef on a sad smushed brioche bun from Walmart. Sure tasted good though.


Slow-Concentrate7169 t1_j5m8lga wrote

Its much more gourmet than most cheeseburger my guy. I would give it a name that is bigger than the star. Yes it does look good.


madmonster444 OP t1_j5m9ndl wrote

Fair point but it’s kinda hard to put a name to a burger with so many toppings. Bacon, mushrooms, cheddar, onions, jalapeños… kinda what I’d order at five guys, and what would be billed as a bacon cheeseburger. Could call it the works I guess.


Knotter87 t1_j5mukem wrote

Id call it heartburn but water gives me heartburn at this point.


Juno_Hoslow t1_j5my3l8 wrote

The mushrooms yuck.
