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timelydogood t1_j5q0kuj wrote

nothing better than pairing some $20 ribs with some .20 cent blue box lol


SirFancyPantsBrock t1_j5q8598 wrote

Where you getting blue box for .20 cent? Shits a dollar + where I'm at


timelydogood t1_j5q8tux wrote

I truthfully haven't bought any in probably 10 years. I just keep hoards of dry noodles and cheese around at all times lol


yellowjacquet OP t1_j5qazm8 wrote

Yeah actual price breakdown was $1 for the mac + 50 cents of butter if you’re being accurate, and $13 for the rack of ribs + ~$1 in seasonings. This is half a rack and half a box so about $8 for the plate.


DifficultBoss t1_j5rflw9 wrote

I think they're just pointing out the juxtaposition of the effort and quality of the ribs vs the low effort low quality mac and cheese.


Cindexxx t1_j5qsbhd wrote

Actually my store brand is nearly identical quality, also in a blue box, and currently on sale for 25 cents. So not far off. The milk and butter to make it probably costs more.


yellowjacquet OP t1_j5rky6x wrote

Dang that’s a steal! I don’t think I’ve seen boxed mac that cheap in a long time.


yellowjacquet OP t1_j5q6e1v wrote

Lol maybe next time I’ll pair the blue box with a nice filet


timelydogood t1_j5rjkmm wrote

Well put some fresh cracked pep and some basil leaves on the Mac and you got a Michelin meal lol


StupidBloodyYank t1_j5ubr2e wrote

Where are you spending $20 for ribs lol Whole Foods? Take the Costco pill and apportion it.


Alarmed-Pea-398 t1_j5qx6j0 wrote

looks amazing. ppl underestimate how good it feels to eat blue box over spending $30+ on cheese and milk to make mac and cheese. and it's just such a comfort taste, reminds me of childhood. hope u enjoyed looks so tasty!


InadmissibleHug t1_j5su5nn wrote

I have to buy the allergy version, and I still prefer to shell out the big bucks to get the nearly authentic taste.

I can cook, but I’ll be damned if I can arsed messing about making Mac n cheese lol


kmill73229 t1_j5rozk9 wrote

Haven’t been on this sub in a while but calling it blue box is absolutely delightful. So fancy


MayOrMayNotBePie t1_j5qhbso wrote

Finally, someone who understands which Mac n Cheese is the best. Kraft > all, and I will die on this hill.


MermaidMertrid t1_j5rxdr0 wrote

I fucking love good ol Kraft. Its only flaw is it doesn’t reheat very well at all. But I will choose it over every other boxed Mac n cheese.


shadmere t1_j5t7d7q wrote

For awhile, Kraft made buffalo macaroni and cheese. It was the best thing I may have ever eaten.

I stocked up the last time I saw those boxes, but still ran out about six years ago.



MermaidMertrid t1_j5vwabx wrote

Ooooh I love Buffalo sauce. That sounds amazing. They always discontinue the good shit 😩


frostycanuck89 t1_j5rjfgl wrote

I just had a box of Spicy Cheddar Kraft Mac n cheese myself and it was delightful.


Lonestar-Boogie t1_j5qtyhr wrote

Kraft Mac n Cheese is final meal before execution by the state worthy.


xamitlu t1_j5r31hq wrote

Now hang on. I've had some smackin mac n cheese outta the box (I like the Velveeta n shells) but kraft isn't top tops. I say that but it is so distinctive. Nothing tastes like Kraft mac n cheese, not even the little Kraft mac n cheese cups. It is so distinctive that sometimes I crave it. It is the best pairing for steak and broccoli and baked potatoes, and I don't even eat steak anymore. It is so perfect you literally can combine them and it will still be just as delicious or even more so. Kraft is somethin!


deathlokke t1_j5rolwg wrote

Personally I like Kraft Deluxe better than blue box, but to each their own.


skrimpbizkit t1_j5rxi5w wrote


Make a box of blue box, toss in one slice of American cheese. You just made kraft deluxe.


Lonestar-Boogie t1_j5qtptx wrote

You need a little fresh ground pepper on that blue box, you heard?


lipglossy336 t1_j5r9oo4 wrote

Looks horrible you should throw this away…in my mouth


stoopid26 t1_j5rfv53 wrote

Just had Blue Box with some charred hotdogs cut up in it. I'm such a little kid!


yellowjacquet OP t1_j5rjywe wrote

Yessss that is fine dining, I usually just microwave the hotdog.


stoopid26 t1_j5rl4sv wrote

We have like 100 blue boxes and ramen noodles! They're so clutch!


djkutch t1_j5rvjdz wrote

What wine did you pair it with.


yellowjacquet OP t1_j5rxeyo wrote

Lol actually opened up a Syrah from a central CA small production winery we love called Dark Star.


DMND_Hands t1_j5rvf7o wrote

your macaroni looks commercial worthy


yellowjacquet OP t1_j5rxg1b wrote

Half and half instead of milk!


-Xyriene- t1_j5sj91f wrote

I've also used sour cream, or a glob of plain greek yogurt to jazz up the blue box.


georgia_model t1_j5pzqnp wrote

mmm) Looks very tasty)) would not refuse to have a bite now


Tall_Tyrion68 t1_j5q8gor wrote

Normally I make my own mac and cheese, but that looks mighty tasty!


maddenmcfadden t1_j5rjc8y wrote

who calls craft max and cheese "blue box"?


Resort-Ashamed t1_j5poyjz wrote

Do you have a rub recipe? It looks amazing!


yellowjacquet OP t1_j5pq2kj wrote

I sure do! I use this on pulled pork and chicken breast as well (I use the chicken breast for meal prep, it’s in my post history if you’re curious!)

Brown Sugar Dry Rub

  • ½ cup dark brown sugar
  • ¼ cup kosher salt
  • 2 tbsp garlic powder
  • 1 tbsp black pepper
  • 1 tbsp onion powder
  • 1 tbsp paprika (use smoked paprika if not smoking the meat)
  • 1 tbsp chili powder, add more for extra spice

For the ribs I coated them in Dijon mustard then the dry rub, smoked at 225 F for 3 hours, brushed with bbq sauce and wrapped in foil then back on the smoker for two hours, then removed from foil, brushed on a little more sauce, and finished with another hour in the smoker. (This is sometimes called the 3-2-1 method)

For the mac I use half & half instead of milk :)


ArtistWhoStarves t1_j5q42we wrote

I like putting a little garlic powder, pepper, and Sriracha in the blue box. But sometimes doing it the classic way is just the way.


yellowjacquet OP t1_j5q5qyt wrote

It’s a very nostalgic food for me so I don’t usually mess with the flavor, sriracha sounds great though


notsostrangebrew t1_j5s774n wrote

Most definitely would eat all of the food presented here


newbies13 t1_j5splqi wrote

Dang I was just eating ribs yesterday from a BBQ place near me and I swore shrinkflation had given me the tiniest meatless ribs I had ever seen. And yeah, those look like proper ribs. All these restaurants are going to go out of business and people are going to start cooking again for a decent meal.


shadmere t1_j5t7g1p wrote

For a half second I thought that was just a pile of shredded cheese and was horrified but mildly impressed with the sheer dgaf going on.


yourmomwasmyfirst t1_j5s3o3b wrote

Looks good to me! I gotta see a video of the ribs tearing from the bones to be in a better position to assess the quality of the rib job.


__Loving_Kindness t1_j5sojh8 wrote

I love that culturally we can say “blue box” and everyone knows the magic.


hvanderw t1_j5sz519 wrote

The secret to Kraft is to do 2 boxes worth of cheese and 1 box or noodles. My guilty pleasure,akmly since I feel bad about wasting noodles.


voga1 t1_j5taayl wrote

Beautiful but here in Europe we are starting eating bugs


hamberdler t1_j5tcw7q wrote

This looks great, but when did people start calling it blue box? It's Kraft Dinner, or KD!


----Zenith---- t1_j5q9470 wrote

Yummy. I’ve got some ribs going in my slow cooker right now. Just a few more hours 🥹


bigjuicy365 t1_j5r0dut wrote

Im honestly very happy for you I hope you ate it all


yellowjacquet OP t1_j5rl9a6 wrote

Thank you, had to save a bit of leftovers but I did my best.


MsDisney76 t1_j5rlegx wrote

Kraft Mac with bread crumbs on top and toasted in the oven. Five extra minutes and sooooo good.


Morenoind5 t1_j5s4lld wrote

No, that’s definitely cake.


Nanshe3 t1_j5s5ca7 wrote

It really doesn’t take that much longer to make homemade mac and cheese and it tastes so much better. I would use Gruyère cheese for the Mac and cheese with those tasty looking ribs.


chairfairy t1_j5t8tiv wrote

I'll say homemade mac'n'cheese is a completely different dish from box mac'n'cheese.

You don't make a sandwich if you want a burrito and you don't order a burger if you want a hot dog. You don't do homemade if you want boxed and vice versa. It hardly makes sense to compare them.


Nanshe3 t1_j5tbkpv wrote

They’re both mac and cheese. Not different types of food like the examples you gave. That’s like saying a rotisserie chicken you buy in a store and a chicken you roast at home are different kinds of meat.


chairfairy t1_j5tccln wrote

In the literal sense, yes they are both mac'n'cheese. But they are very different dishes and it's a very different experience to eat one vs the other. I would be annoyed if I wanted the boxed version and someone gave me the homemade version, because they're not the same thing.


Nanshe3 t1_j5tepjq wrote

The different experience is in the quality of the ingredients and taste. If someone asked me if I wanted boxed or homemade to go with those tasty looking ribs I would choose homemade every time because together they make a tastier meal. If you’re not going to bake the mac and cheese then it’s maybe a few minutes more to grate the cheese. You have to boil pasta for both. But perhaps all that was available was the boxed version anyway.


angrysheep55 t1_j5qq01k wrote

Jezus if you're gonna eat meat like that do it properly and get some good bread with it. Have some respect.
