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TortoiseHawk t1_j6kee9j wrote

“Cranberry product” LOL


TheLadyEve t1_j6ni2xt wrote

I like making my own cranberry sauce and it's very easy, but there is something compelling about the canned stuff, too. It is made out of cranberries, too, it just has a completely different texture.

I also can my own cranberry relish every November/December, and that canned version is good, too!


ZuniRegalia t1_j6ojzw9 wrote

I usually mix the "cranberry product" with fresh cranberries; 1:2 parts by volume, respectively.

Blitz berries, simmer/reduce everything in a pot for 10-15 min.

The tart cranberries balance really well with the insanely sweet "product."


BigImportant7961 t1_j6lolj2 wrote

Take the cranberry garbage off that plate and it looks amazing.


thelosermonster t1_j6lqsl0 wrote

Canned cranberry sauce is delicious, and I won't hear any slander


PoorNerfedVulcan t1_j6me9d4 wrote

I'm with you. Obviously real cranberry sauce beats it out but that can-shaped mass of vaguely cranberry flavored gel actually tastes good with turkey.


BigImportant7961 t1_j6lqwrx wrote

We will have to disagree. I personally think it should be outlawed nationwide


Draeton_ali t1_j6luyu5 wrote

I'm not sure I hate any food enough for it to be outlawed. Would cranberry juice be allowed? Otherwise, what happens to the people who earn a livelihood in the production of the jelly and cranberry related products? Or the farmers? And if you say they should just grow something else, who will pay them while they undergo that process?


BigImportant7961 t1_j6lv6wm wrote

Yes just none of that weird homogenized stuff. It’s like a red blobby from hotel Transylvania


Draeton_ali t1_j6lvy6a wrote

I also don't like canned cranberry sauce/jelly, but making your own is actually really great. So I do love cranberry sauce, but I also acknowledge it was a privilege to be able to afford fresh food over canned. But nowadays, I'd probably have to get the canned stuff lol.


gwaydms t1_j6kzxs8 wrote

That sounds unappetizing.


evenmytongueisfat t1_j6l0xtz wrote

Fake cranberry byproduct IS unappetizing.

Make your own it takes like 30 minutes and no effort. Cranberries, a cup of sugar and a cup of water in a pot. Simmer and mash. Way better


Hamborrower t1_j6l3qmu wrote

The real stuff is delicious.

But... the canned stuff is also delicious.


KikiHou t1_j6lqlx2 wrote

It has a special place in my heart, along with green bean casserole.


Turtleramem OP t1_j6l4y15 wrote

Well that's just like, uh, your opinion.


evenmytongueisfat t1_j6l5ybp wrote

You forgot “man”! All jokes aside it all looks great. I’m not trying to imply I wouldn’t eat it


Calm-Reference-4046 t1_j6lbrfk wrote

"it only takes like 30 minutes" do you not see the 45 other things on the plate....?


evenmytongueisfat t1_j6lcuit wrote

Took me 30 minutes while making my spread. You know most cooktops have 4-6 burners right?


imk t1_j6li78q wrote

Anyway, you make cranberry sauce the night before.


Calm-Reference-4046 t1_j6mhgye wrote

Why can't be cranberry be the one thing she/he cheated on in making this?there's like 12 things on that plate and yall came here to whine about cranberry? Damn where's your home made turkey meal? Throw it up with 12 other things so I can whine about canned corn or something.


imk t1_j6lbpjc wrote

Trying adding a crushed chipotle pepper sometime. Makes it a smoky, spicy, sweet and sour condiment that is amazing.

My mother makes terrible turkey. I have learned a few tricks over the years


bRightOnRebbit t1_j6mtv5g wrote

Love the idea of adding a chipotle. Unfortunately, I'm bound to forget it come next year.


suffaluffapussycat t1_j6lmo7t wrote

It’s a different thing. That’s how I’d make it now. When I was 9 I wanted that blob to ploop out of a can.


Charliekeet t1_j6nkx10 wrote

And yet there are SO many who champion the can-shaped weirdness. I don’t get it. I WILL eat the jelly stuff if that’s all there is cause I love cranberry, but I’d never choose it over the non-canned alternative!


TheCarrot_v2 t1_j6ljohi wrote

Don’t know why you got downvoted. Guess the truth hurt their feelings.


welchplug t1_j6m1y2c wrote

It's not fake lol. It's just cranberry juice and cornstarch.


p3pp3rd0g t1_j6ku5p7 wrote

And a dog that is definitely 100 percent not interested, in any way whatsoever, in this smorgasbord!


Kundas t1_j6mq95p wrote

It does look like it has such a " whatever * attitude, with some sass lmao jokes

Seriously though i find it hilarious, knowing dogs its definitely smelling the food in the air lol


deimos t1_j6kdxz5 wrote

Plus a side of definitely not interested doggo


Justin_C_Smith t1_j6khwgm wrote

"I know you're gonna give me some, but I'll pretend not to care"


superstratcat1 t1_j6krq80 wrote

A bit late for Thanksgiving, or perhaps too early, depends on your perspective.


DutchTiltCantedAngle t1_j6l596u wrote

Perspective is everything. Got here via the acorn squash, stayed for the kimchi. Why do I not serve poultry with kimchi? :)


burnshimself t1_j6ligyd wrote

I’d eat it once a month if I didn’t have to cook it myself and had 12 people to eat it with me


enderjaca t1_j6nao8n wrote

It's not too difficult to make a mini Thanksgiving-style Sunday dinner!

Just get a small chicken and de-bone or spatchcock it. Dry brine overnight.

Roast with whatever veggies/stuffing/casserole you like, do potatoes/gravy/other veggies on the stove, along with whatever fresh stuff like kimchi/slaw/eggs you can make ahead of time.

Just make whatever quantity you want, whether it's for 1 person and you've got 3 days of leftovers (most of this freezes & microwaves pretty well too) or enough to serve a family of 5 with one day of leftovers!


DavThoma t1_j6ly1a5 wrote

Could be someone just doing a Sunday roast. Although even that's a lot for your typical Sunday roast.


DifferentShallot8658 t1_j6mhvg0 wrote

Perhaps an atypical Sunday roast, then? Maybe they have family or friends in


DavThoma t1_j6ms1hv wrote

Good point! Either way this is my kind of Sunday Roast


doctorhino t1_j6kfhqd wrote

So thanksgiving. I never see this many sides at once outside of holiday meals.

I looked at their profile, this is definitely a recycled thanksgiving picture, not sure why you would do that right now. They already have a massive amount of karma but I guess why not farm more.


StrawberryK t1_j6kurmu wrote

OP saved these pics or reposted them a little too late.


Turtleramem OP t1_j6mxghp wrote

This meal was made on Sunday. Turkey was on clearance for $.20/lb


Comfortable_Hat_4440 t1_j6l16ip wrote

Why do these posts always include a hungry doggo in the background 😂


bdart1980 t1_j6ltrn1 wrote

check OP's post history.. They're single handedly responsible for at least 50% of the dog/food plate posts on reddit.


GTRari t1_j6m7scg wrote

Pretty sure OP was the one who originated the trend on this sub.


yarkboolin14 t1_j6kwz5n wrote

Wow, Thanksgiving already ?! 🍗


Famous_Ad_8888 t1_j6khxum wrote

Are the Holidays still going I didn’t no. Looks awesome


schpanckie t1_j6l5rlx wrote

Doggo is just daring you to look away……just for a second…


UndercoverH8r t1_j6lw2o3 wrote

So thanksgiving with kimchi… greaaaaat


obiwanjahbroni t1_j6l61n8 wrote

It’s never too early to start practicing for thanksgiving I guess


LastTxPrez t1_j6l80hp wrote

Followed by a three hour nap


RoxyLA95 t1_j6lgimr wrote

You couldn’t make it through January without a full holiday feast!


Cat_Lover259 t1_j6lk11e wrote

I’ll take everything but the turkey and gravy please 😁


Alcoraiden t1_j6lnpdf wrote

The correct cranberry sauce


Accomplished-Rest786 t1_j6lvqms wrote

Are you like just getting around to posting your thanksgiving pictures? Like no hate but like it’s January 31st.


Achillez4 t1_j6kf55x wrote

Looks like my kind of dinner Please make me a plate


MeyhamM2 t1_j6kyy34 wrote

Korean American?


yummi_1 t1_j6kz3fh wrote

Looks great but I could maybe eat 1/2 of that plate.


quadmasta t1_j6l6888 wrote

I love your dog is always balancing something on its nose in the background


dano415 t1_j6lk5ym wrote

My 150lb American Bulldog mix was always a good dog. He never begged for food. He was always so good, there were times when I wished he would just cut loose, but not Chester.

The holidays were his favorite days of the yeare. He got up early to smell the food in the kitchen. He knew he was getting a special dinner.

One Christmas, we were lathe with the turkey. I took it out of the oven around 8 pm.

I let it rest.

I came back, and there were tiny lines in the skin. I figured he just licked the skin.

He was such a good dog, just a taste was ok for him that night. As usually, he got as much food as he wanted later on.

I miss him so much.


noonie2020 t1_j6lsqui wrote

Slap that on a sandwich and we’re in business


omfgus t1_j6lx5ju wrote



CreateYourself89 t1_j6lxxts wrote

Holy wow that looks incredible! My family serves coleslaw with Thanksgiving dinner too. 🙂


rambunctiouskiwi t1_j6lykw9 wrote

Cranberry product? Is this written by a bot / AI?


retrocp t1_j6lzqsx wrote

Cranberry “product”


SteakHoagie666 t1_j6m0ot6 wrote

Mmmm those Thanksgiving leftovers be hitting 😋


not_richmond_from_IT t1_j6m3mon wrote

I really thought this was one of those “it’s my dogs birthday we made him something special” it do be looking like a big old plate of fancy dog food


pip-roof t1_j6meath wrote

I would eat thanksgiving dinner every day


tvacnaar t1_j6mhfee wrote

Man that looks good.


Opposite-Compote-70 t1_j6mk2g5 wrote

This reminds me of my mother's homemade N.Y.E dinner since Dec 31 '21-'22 *idk & i don't remember the date.


littleb242 t1_j6mm5v5 wrote

Oh yea, I'd definitely would put my fork in that plate


Bobaloo1984 t1_j6mmz2v wrote

Thanksgiving came early and so did I 😯


Chicane42 t1_j6mqb7v wrote

Great looking platter, yum!


ryebath t1_j6mqc53 wrote

I’m all about a little variety, but that’s way too much going on.


belllaFour t1_j6mut9w wrote

How did you get all this food


tboy160 t1_j6ntrtl wrote

10/10 would smash everything


SirSlyght t1_j6nxdte wrote

Does anyone regularly eat turkey? I only ever have it on thanksgiving, but i love that shit... Idk why this post made me think so deeply about this. ITS TIME FOR CHANGE!


prplx t1_j6nyswh wrote

Is it Thanksgiving somewhere in the world ?


DrAJS t1_j6om2w6 wrote

Is that for one person?


AAA515 t1_j6onaa1 wrote

Excuse me, broccoli... casserole?


Tamaska-gl t1_j6l4v05 wrote

Why do you keep posting this?


sflfish t1_j6l98d2 wrote

There’s the cutie!!


sabu_mafu t1_j6li017 wrote

Hmm nope, not appetizing. Not even the dog likes it


newbies13 t1_j6ligzj wrote

why are you eating thanksgiving in jan?


orgnine t1_j6ljwqd wrote

The cranberry product is from the can, not homemade. I can even see the lines.


Sachoazzdown t1_j6mr65b wrote

Love those authentic lines in the homemade cranberry product.


Juggernaut_Dapper t1_j6myrcd wrote

Lol that puppers really wants some super cute puppy


RedditFedde t1_j6n1gdm wrote

I see you also got the chef proud in the background


Large-Statistician-3 t1_j6n2wyw wrote

I love that you included the chef of all these dishes in the picture. He looks quite proud.


ScaryFoal558760 t1_j6nrm2h wrote

Hurry up and give him his plate he's waiting so patiently!


blueskies1800 t1_j6o8qo8 wrote

That poor dog whose sense of smell far outweighs the human's. I hope someone gives him some of that. Dogs give so much and ask for so little in return.


MattDLR t1_j6ort7c wrote

What the dog doin


bjh8686 t1_j6oxqvk wrote

Did you at least hook up the pup?


MojoRyzn t1_j6pdqin wrote

That dog is seriously side-eying that turkey. lol


camlaw63 t1_j6l3aul wrote

OK the kimchee is completely throwing me off


smthngwyrd t1_j6lh56b wrote

We need to know if the dog got some!


King_Dead t1_j6lostp wrote

What if it was for puppies?


Playful_Question538 t1_j6m1vu3 wrote

That's a good looking dog and I do like the color of the floor.


ShubhamManna t1_j6mimlm wrote

Ah the dog post man again lol

The dish looks delicious btw 🤌


pitifuljester t1_j6n2m1x wrote

Meanwhile the dog is tormented and trying to ignore it all


frankenfork123 t1_j6kth0f wrote

I almost thought the turkey was a skinned lizard


hapki_kb t1_j6ldhke wrote

Is that for the doggo? He seems to be turning up his nose in utter contempt.


Diamond_Hande t1_j6ljrn6 wrote

Your dog is sooo proud of you


neroselene t1_j6lk4x8 wrote

Wow, that dog's eating like Royalty!


darshan4511 t1_j6m1wrr wrote

Dogmeat not part of the dish right? RIGHT???


adgebruh t1_j6m2qf9 wrote

“Cranberry product” - homeMade ?


logicallychallengd t1_j6krd8l wrote

That dog gets me every time


JDBCool t1_j6ksqjc wrote

It's barely a week and the dog has made it to my feed.... again....