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GingaNinja01 t1_j5f5dti wrote

Looks good! Needs more gravy though haha!


[deleted] t1_j5fwjbr wrote



GingaNinja01 t1_j5fze60 wrote

My rule of thumb is always "if i can tell there are biscuits on the plate, there isnt enough gravy!"


[deleted] t1_j5eypy2 wrote



ducks_09 t1_j5fljnb wrote

Ya it does look like prison food being all bland and grey looking but it’s honestly just how it looks. It tastes great.


Leocut78 t1_j5f84ph wrote

I'm not american but I'm a big fan of your most famous recipes. I tried to replicate biscuits and gravy but I'm failing miserably with biscuits xD or at least I think I'm failing since I never had the real thing


ezhammer t1_j5fbxt0 wrote

The gravy part is pretty easy, DM me if you want recipe/steps! 😀


PD216ohio t1_j5forgr wrote

As long as you use a good quality breakfast sausage. We prefer Bob Evans brand in our house.


connor8383 t1_j5g8g7b wrote

You poor, poor soul. Bless your heart.

I’m assuming based on your username you’re from Ohio, so I can’t hardly blame ya, but here in the south, Bob Evans would most certainly not be considered “good quality breakfast sausage”


IrocDewclaw t1_j5gblj9 wrote

Tsk tsk. From someone who has access to a fresh meat locker with 8 different types of breakfast sausage, I really pity you.


mmarlin450 t1_j5g2woo wrote

Many biscuit makers on Youtube to watch them being made. The best biscuits are made with flour from soft red wheat grains, most flour sold as all purpose or bread flour in the US are ground from hard red wheat grains.


scw1224 t1_j5hzckj wrote

It’s nearly impossible to find the right flour up north. I could order it, I’m sure. But it wasn’t until I read that you use a specific type of flour to make them so good that I realized what my problem was.


Rokmonkey_ t1_j5gupo2 wrote

Are you using cold butter? Like borderline frozen butter?


LadyNightlock t1_j5fxvnp wrote

What’s wrong with them? What ingredients are you using? Biscuits are normally just three things: self-rising flour, buttermilk, and vegetable shortening.


ShutYourDumbUglyFace t1_j5h7yak wrote

Considering that one of the mechanisms by which biscuits rise is through steam released from butter as it goes from very cold to very hot, I would think that biscuits should have butter in them.


[deleted] t1_j5ewfe5 wrote



[deleted] t1_j5f3pl8 wrote



Plus2Telecaster t1_j5f4c50 wrote

You know what? Looks pretty fuckin solid, OP. If it tastes good and didn't make you sick, I'd say you did a great job.


PissedCaucasian t1_j5fjto9 wrote

My ex was from the south and ate this all the time but remained thin?!? How?


tittens__ t1_j5jeucj wrote

Their overall calorie intake didn’t exceed their calories expended.


PissedCaucasian t1_j5ju3ue wrote

Yeah but this is one greasy breakfast. We were young though. in our 20's.


tittens__ t1_j5jv16l wrote

I eat biscuits and gravy a few times a month and I’m definitely not in my twenties. You can eat indulgent meals like this and still be slender at any age.

Again, her calorie intake didn’t exceed the calories she expended. That’s it.


FerretZealousideal38 t1_j5fy874 wrote

Fucking your buddies. Sorry, couldn't help myself.

Aww, some people just can't take a joke. But really, she was fucking your buddies.


BattleForAssgard69 t1_j5fcbzt wrote

Yum. Alot of gravy with biscuit gatekeepers on here don't listen


bo_tweetle t1_j5hh4s8 wrote

You gotta split the biscuits and double the amount of gravy


OneHumanPeOple t1_j5f6kbt wrote

I want it! I can smell the aroma in my memories. There is a restaurant near by where I can get some. I think I’ll head there now.


chuckitinthefucket t1_j5fd9n2 wrote

We’ll, now I’m off to the store to get what I need to make this. You got me!


ezhammer t1_j5fbro9 wrote

That’s how you do it! Haven’t been able to find any of that in the KC area.


FerretZealousideal38 t1_j5fy25q wrote

Come on man, you're in the heart of pork country. I lived there for 3 years, and there's definitely biscuits and gravy in KC.

Some of these literally have the name Biscuit in their name:

Denver Biscuit Company

The Big Biscuit

Kate's Kitchen

Jerry's Cafe (my favorite)

All of these have biscuits and gravy as a highlighted menu item. Get out there and get some!


AaronBurrIsInnocent t1_j5g90rj wrote

I think I had it passing through town once at Kate’s Kitchen, with some fried chicken. I may have cried tears of joy.


ezhammer t1_j5gsh76 wrote

Wasn’t a fan of the big biscuits gravy, but haven’t tried the rest. I’ll give it a shot, thanks!


Sir_Roset t1_j5g5dgf wrote

Oooougg, that looks so good!!


Master_Mac t1_j5gai83 wrote

Huh, made some sausage gravy this morning, wasn’t as Reddit ready looking but must be that kind of Sunday lol


Ombersnip t1_j5gp44i wrote

Yum yum dim some!!


soon_zoo55 t1_j5guf5w wrote

Yessir! One of my favorites


stephancypantsu t1_j5gzotm wrote

From the small thumbnail it kinda looks like a fried squirrel.


audtothepod t1_j5mbw9n wrote

Now that is some solid looking biscuits and gravy. Gravy must have bits of sausage or it is not gravy.... Without the sausage bits, it is a travesty.


[deleted] t1_j5gn81t wrote



figmentPez t1_j5gs4uc wrote

How do you know if it looks bad if you don't even know what the dish is?

What culture are you from? I'll find you a dish you love that looks strange to those who aren't familiar with it.


monkeypig84 t1_j5g1uar wrote

Is it supposed to be grey?


connor8383 t1_j5g8klb wrote

Yes. The white flour and milk mixes with the mostly brown grease from the sausage . Hence, grey.


ShutYourDumbUglyFace t1_j5h8941 wrote

If you brown the sausage and make the gravy in the same pan, you're going to get some brown fond mixing in with the gravy making it delicious and adding a brown color to the white milk, resulting in a beigey or gray gravy.


2Late2Go OP t1_j5he3rc wrote

>brown fond

is what makes good gravy great. Don't let that fond go to waste!


ProbablyCranky t1_j5hk7zu wrote

Is the sausage hidden or something?


[deleted] t1_j5f47gf wrote



noahhine t1_j5f5u09 wrote

Butter and flour. Like a buttery savory scone. Scones to us have sugar on top and are sweet


OneHumanPeOple t1_j5f6czx wrote

Almost like if a savory scone and a croissant had a baby. The flaky, buttery layers are important.


windsofchange61 t1_j6odg7q wrote

I went off and found a recipe for american biscuits. It seems that you make them a bit like flakey pastry only quicker (folding the dough and rolling it out). Any way, I will give it a go one day. Think they would be nice with soup.


tittens__ t1_j5jf7ex wrote

Scones can be savory or sweet in the states.


[deleted] t1_j5f5luc wrote



Heyhihello04 t1_j5f7i4e wrote

Why wouldn't it be?


ohbrubuh t1_j5f8uj7 wrote

Most sausage grave is made with a very light roux. I prefer mine like this, when you add a little color to it. Different strokes…


amboandy t1_j5fi9qs wrote

I'm not a fan of the colour of this gravy but heck, how much colour are you gonna be able to get out of a sausage gravy.


ohbrubuh t1_j5g6wcf wrote

This is dark by sausage gravy standards. Most of the time it looks like wallpaper paste 😂. One of those dishes that you just don’t eat with your eyes. But it tastes so good


amboandy t1_j5gcffw wrote

That's what I do with most foods that are popular in their home nation. Just fucking eat it, x-million people can't be wrong.


AnaTheMuse t1_j5fb8p5 wrote

It's typically white gravy for breakfast dishes. I was just wondering.


Heyhihello04 t1_j5feo5h wrote

I think it's mostly brown because OP probably cooked the sausage in the pan first, then added the flour and other ingredients to the same pan and that's how it got that color, which is my preferred way.


blutob78 t1_j5fovj7 wrote

This is exactly why. I’m sure extra sausage as well. Very different from commercial (high volume manufacturers) or restaurants when food costs play a factor. Amount of sausage and cooking process (utilizing the sausage grease- not discarding) to make your pale or blond roux and essentially making a béchamel after adding the milk. This looks solid and delicious! Remember lots of black pepper!



AlotLovesYou t1_j5fn2ww wrote

This is a very standard sausage gravy color, particularly if you are making the gravy yourself rather than spooning it from a vat in the restaurant.


AnaTheMuse t1_j5fs115 wrote

I guess I wouldn't know, having made it from scratch for the industry my whole life. 🙄🤷‍♀️


AlotLovesYou t1_j5ftpyp wrote

Lol. K. If you want to spend your Sunday morning gatekeeping sausage gravy colors, I guess that's up to you.


3dKleetus t1_j5fbn5n wrote

white gravy is called "something else"


hannibalingus22 t1_j5ghr62 wrote

Buttermilk scones with sausage gravy


MrCleverPost t1_j5h19hi wrote

was this AFTER you ate it?


connor8383 t1_j5g863e wrote

pro tip- crumble the biscuits, it’s so much better and easier to eat


RedYachtClub t1_j5gqd0g wrote

No need to turn it into geriatric food! Just cut the biscuits in half burger style so they can absorb more of the gravy.


JustLinkStudios t1_j5ghj3n wrote

Looks like a tin of mushroom soup on a baguette. If it tastes good then it don’t matter!


tittens__ t1_j5jfauu wrote

You’ve got some odd looking baguettes.


JustLinkStudios t1_j5jg8gm wrote

Totes looks like a sliced baguette. You guys mean a scone when you say biscuits don’t you?


tittens__ t1_j5jhlxz wrote

Lmao no to both. Biscuits are similar but not scones at all. There are about a million threads on this sub discussing this topic and at this point I’m sure you guys think you’re being clever when you say this but it’s really played out. Please get some new material.

If that’s what your baguettes look like…I’m so sorry.


JustLinkStudios t1_j5jiged wrote

Just looked up American biscuit recipes. They’re scones. The only difference is no eggs, which are basically vegetarian scones. That right hand scone looks like a sliced baguette. That’s how the top of a UK baguette looks. Not trying to hurt your feelings sweetness. That’s how they look.


[deleted] t1_j5jl4b8 wrote



JustLinkStudios t1_j5jl88x wrote

Okie dokie


tittens__ t1_j5jle6r wrote

Nah, they’re not lol. Things can be similar and still be completely different items. Wild concept.

And vegetarians can eat eggs. Scones with eggs are still vegetarian. Did you mean “vegan” little fella?


JustLinkStudios t1_j5jlmnf wrote

You’re totes right, I did mean vegan scones Thanks for the correction man.


tittens__ t1_j5jmngw wrote

Scones aren’t typically layered. We do have crumbly biscuits as well, but they’re much less dense than scones. You’d be annoyed if you ordered a biscuit and got a scone.

Let me guess; you consider ciabatta and baguettes to be the same thing, too?

Also, most biscuits are made with milk, so not vegan.


majorddf t1_j5g8lrl wrote

looks horrendous (mould grey is unappealing to this european). But I know it will taste delicious.
