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NotChristina t1_j68rkf6 wrote

I’m probably in that weird minority that prefers it. A well-wrapped and firm/dense burrito is best for that though. Then every forkful can be dipped in sauce(s). Though forks can also salvage a very messy, loose burrito too.

I never really liked eating them with my hands when they inevitably disintegrate. Of course there are exceptions to the rule but idk, I enjoy the fork thing.

At minimum it means I eat a little slower because I could absolutely destroy a burrito in my hands very quickly.


diddinim t1_j69phli wrote

You HAVE to destroy the burrito if you’re holding it. Because they don’t take well to being bitten into and then laid back down.


boston_nsca t1_j6ao9xt wrote

Idk I think there's an art to it. At least for me. I've figured out how to eat an entire burrito with no mess or disintegration until the very last bite or two. The method is basically taking enormous bites lol


diddinim t1_j6aoeso wrote

I can do the same, but ONLY if I don’t set the burrito down. Same with home made burgers.


boston_nsca t1_j6aoilg wrote

I get these massive XL burritos that are so big they literally stand up on one end lmao. That also helps


diddinim t1_j6aomhq wrote

Hmmmm. Maybe making an extra large burrito with a good solid rice and beans foundation would stand up well


boston_nsca t1_j6ap617 wrote

At the end of the day it's all about the wrap job. Rolled the perfectly right way, nice and tight, with some tight foil wrapped around it, and any burrito can become manageable. The one in the pic almost requires a fork and knife though. Tbh, those are usually the best ones


diddinim t1_j6apant wrote

My problem is I like too much salsa in my burritos. I can roll a sauce-less burrito like a pro..

But that’s why I’m making wet burritos tonight.