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requiemofchaos t1_j6c8336 wrote

Reply to comment by ninjoid in [homemade] Skillet Burritos by Gabbledorf

It's basically what a "wet burrito" is at any taqueria.


Belgand t1_j6djl4i wrote

I'll wade into that a bit. Part of the difference is down to the fillings. If you're making a Mission-style burrito with beans and rice, that wouldn't go in an enchilada.

Wrapping also plays a role. Enchiladas are typically made with corn tortillas while burritos are almost without exception flour. I make enchiladas with flour myself, but corn is still the more traditional version.


Food_and_CatSubs t1_j6expr7 wrote

Shrimp and a white or green sauce are good with flour but anything else I usually find gets mushy