Submitted by MrPresidentGamer t3_11dy2av in funny

I don't even know if this is the right place to post this but here we go...

I have been doing some calculations. Bare with me on this one.

First, assume that an average erect penis is 5.5 inches in length and 4.6 inches in girth.

We are going to model the penis as a uniform, cylindrical volume. This means we are not taking into account the differing densities from blood, tissue, etc. Just assuming an average volume.

We calculate the radius from the cirCUMference which is around 0.73 inches.

Then we use the radius and length find the volume which calculates to be around 9.20 cubic inches. The actual volume would be quite variable depending on the shape but these are just rough estimates.

Using the equation for density, d=m/v, we can calculate the density.

Lets assume that the mass of an average penis is around 160 grams. (idk, just a random number I found on the internet)

The density calculates to be around 17.4 g/in^3 or in a more common unit of density: 1.06g/cm^3

Knowing that the average density of saturn is 0.687g/cm^3, we can conclude that your dick is ~50% more dense than saturn and only ~30% less dense than the average density of the sun.

What you do with this knowledge is up to you...

Maybe one of these days I'll write a multi-page thesis discussing the intricacies of dick density and the implications of it in the grand scheme of the universe. If you find any errors in my calculations or any way I can make it better, let me know.

TL;DR : The average dick is ~50% more dense than Saturn and only ~30% less dense than the Sun.



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ChaosReality69 t1_jabk3fi wrote

While this is interesting I think you have too much free time on your hands.


GJGMentor t1_jac2pxq wrote

I gave you an upvote because physics and mathematics. They are both absolutely mysterious to me, however I am now equipped for discussions around wang density in any social situation. Thank you.


Fabulous-Pause-6881 t1_jac5y9l wrote

Read until I hit the word, "penis", then I was out like that SpongeBob meme.


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NeoNachtwaechter t1_jabgvl4 wrote

Wonder how you kept on Sat-
urn with this and circum-
vented all the obvious ur-
anus topics...


PSYCHOPATHiO t1_jac4oc9 wrote

The question on everyone's mind is what's the density compared to uranus?


MrPresidentGamer OP t1_jad8wcl wrote

Pretty easy calculation, turns out that the average dick is roughly 16% less dense than Uranus so a penis would float on its surface (assuming uniform density).


username32768 t1_jaea7u4 wrote

I don't think I will "bare" with you...