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smithm3254 t1_j98h6g4 wrote

Not really funny but organized religion is a haven for sexual predators. More of a feature than a flaw.


cacophonic7 t1_j98qa7t wrote

And the fact that you can look at the boy as either praying, or weeping with his hands over his face…


androshalforc1 t1_j98tf8x wrote

i thought it was a girl because christians would be mortified that a boy is wearing pink.


justlooking9889 t1_j98u41i wrote

So, you’re including Judaism, Islam, Buddism, Shintoism, Zorasteriansim, the Sikhs, Scientology, Vodoo, and countless (about 4,200) other organized religions? Or did you just mean to say Catholicism?

Edit: Hey downvoters remember not to let inconvenient things like facts get in the way of what you feel is true.

If you all feel so strongly about it, I suggest you go visit all the different churches, mosques and temples in your town and save the kids. I’m sure your efforts will be much appreciated.

Here’s a list of world religions. Go through the list and give an example of how each one is guilty:


denn23rus t1_j9974sd wrote

basically those religions where priests are forbidden to have wives.


smithm3254 t1_j98wsf3 wrote

Yes all of the above. You’re the one naming Catholicism. That should be very telling about your question.


sin-and-love t1_j98uir4 wrote

Ever notice how anyone who calls themselves a "freethinker"' is in fact the most dogmatic person in the room?


Technicolor_Reindeer t1_j997b19 wrote

I'm sure you wish that was the case.


sin-and-love t1_j999r2k wrote

My personal experience has shown it to be the case. It's like how "I'm not like you sheep, I don't trust the mainstream news outlets." is always followed by "But listen to this guy scream about gay frogs."


Significant-Ad2669 t1_j98o8w0 wrote

Aren't there more pedophiles at public schools than churches and not to mention how the anime Indistry Is extremely weird with their girls under 18


smithm3254 t1_j98q3s7 wrote

Whataboutism isn’t the point I was trying to make. Sorry next time I’ll include a link to a bar graph that includes all offenders of sexual assault. Original point is still valid.


NottaBought t1_j98qtnd wrote

The thing is, any group that provides power is going to attract abusers. The anime industry, public schools, churches, even the medical field all have these issues. The problem is more what you do once you find them and how you prevent them from hurting anyone. If you don’t have those protections in place, if you sweep it under the rug when you find out about these people, that’s when it stops being “bad people are everywhere” and starts being “you’re supporting bad people,” and a lot of churches have been discovered to be sweeping these things under the rug.


Technicolor_Reindeer t1_j997cxw wrote

I wasn't aware anime was a religion and being taught to kids in their houses of worship.

And do name the public school sex abuse scandal on par with the ones uncovered at churches?


_Administrator_ t1_j98xvxo wrote

There are even religions where such cases happen more frequently but you won’t see anyone making jokes about that religion.

„Pakistani Maulana giving sex education to student“


timk85 t1_j98oney wrote

Bro, don't even attempt to question the Reddit hivemind narratives.


smithm3254 t1_j98sv90 wrote

A well documented history of systematic abuse of power by the clergy is hardly a “narrative”.


Technicolor_Reindeer t1_j997hjh wrote

Millions of dollars of hush money paid out and countless pedo priest transfesrs is a "narrative" apparently /s


WonderfulSpeed1739 t1_j995n3q wrote

Why do you wokes make everything about sex?


Technicolor_Reindeer t1_j997lkr wrote

You have it backwards, hunny. Its the type of people who say "woke" who are obsessed with sex. Tracking schoolgirls' periods, banning books, obsessing over drag shows, demanding gential inspections of athletes, the list goes on.


WonderfulSpeed1739 t1_j999fuv wrote

See you just did it again. The woodcut is in no way sexualized. If you believe it is then it is you.
