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Tall_Square252 t1_j98kf8s wrote

This reminds me of a car wash my christian high school was working. One of the girls working it got angry because people were cat calling her. So our bible teacher took over and he held the sign up and saw people laughing. He then looked at the sign. It read “it’s free”


Earguy t1_j98mynz wrote

So, victim blaming. "Of course they're going to do that, look at what you're wearing (or holding, whatever). "

Sorry if it hit a nerve.


Tall_Square252 t1_j990hey wrote

No it did not hit a nerve for me. My point is we may think one thing and someone else see the exact same thing as see something completely different. I had an advertisement class and the professor show us campaigns that total missed the mark because of failure to see how it may be interpreted