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achirakos1 t1_j9tqi35 wrote

That dress! Also, yeah who pissed that mannequin off??


Eig8t86 t1_j9trtgj wrote



Confident_Reality_69 t1_j9tt7kx wrote

I thought it was picture of someone's shoulder wearing a black shirt... With a lots of dandruff....


GeniusSwitch t1_j9ttfed wrote

The “actively slipping on a banana peel” model


shadowofmists t1_j9ttlkp wrote

Nope, this is amazing. Mannequin is out here living her best life.
Can’t decide if she’s ninja kicking or ballerina salsa dancing. Either way, she’s feeling it.
Not only that, it’s a clever way to show off the drapery and embroidery.
I would be more likely to buy this dress because of this mannequin, unless the pricetag made me make that face, lmao.


ZatoTBG t1_j9tu00q wrote

"See? You can look stylish while falling of the stairs!"


megbookworm t1_j9tudgh wrote

Or the “my husband has just pushed me down the stairs so he can marry his pregnant mistress and inherit my fabulous wealth and ancestral manor house” mannequin. It’s a common enough scenario that they need to show you how you’ll look in the crime scene photos/s


Shadowveil666 t1_j9tukpj wrote

Starry A Line Dressed Long Sleeve.

wtf, shit has NO sleeves


boyaintri9ht t1_j9tuo1b wrote

I think there is a male mannequin underneath and that is why she is so excited. 😁


lovable_cube t1_j9tup39 wrote

This is way better marketing honestly, that mannequin is feeling herself


kfueston t1_j9tutgc wrote

Knew I shouldn't have had that last martini!


ABPCR t1_j9tvisp wrote

Madonna falling down the steps pose


MarcusofMenace t1_j9tvvjm wrote

That's a lot of dandruff for something without hair or skin


VinylCrast t1_j9tvzd1 wrote

"You can't hurt me! My stand Pretty Woman protects me by wrapping around me and deflecting attacks! It's Over for you!"


PMmecrossstitch t1_j9twqyp wrote

If I ever hit a red carpet, you'll know I saw this post.


Bedbouncer t1_j9tx5os wrote

"I think we can handle one little girl, I sent two units. They're bringing her down now."


D3AD_SPAC3 t1_j9txs35 wrote

Think I just fought one of those in Dead Space...


skdewit t1_j9ty198 wrote

Lmao! This is how I must look to my dogs when I chase them around the house pretending to"get” them! 😂 this is the first time I’ve seen a mannequin like this!


Weyman16 t1_j9tyj8y wrote

Queef of the Year award goes to….


shadowofmists t1_j9u00ka wrote

Oh my glob, I think you’re right, would explain the odd hand positions if she was holding swing ropes! Yup.
Going for a swing in my evening gown, it’s been a night.
Nope, correction, this mannequin has her partner of choice pushing her in the swing, while they whisper to her about the food they are going to go eat soon on this trifling hot day. We will meet up on the veranda.
Decided. She’s swinging.


kimmyann7 t1_j9u0n85 wrote

I think all dress mannequins should pose like this.


grenamier t1_j9u0pzd wrote

I think about the casting process and I’m imagining that some model had to strike that pose and hold it while a few layers of different kinds of goop and other stuff are being applied to her body. And then it has to cure before they can get her out of it. I don’t think I would have the patience.


Gustopherus-the-2nd t1_j9u1vwu wrote

Just waiting for the bullet time camera to spin around… “your men are already dead”


Catty_Pake t1_j9u3xgr wrote

I believe this is called The Praying Mantis lol


dgsharp t1_j9u7j2i wrote

Trinity in The Matrix about to kick an agent through a wall.


Senobe2 t1_j9u7uge wrote

Some Matrix shit is definitely going down..

I guess this was the best way to showcase this sparkly, glittery creation. Where are the long sleeves from the the description? I don't think it needs it..


mkul316 t1_j9uim2p wrote

She was inspired by Wednesday.


Jekakki t1_j9uk9qr wrote

That mannequin is straight up Dio posing


erinkjean t1_j9um80l wrote

Ministry of Silly Walks representative.


Most_Independent_279 t1_j9umh5i wrote

If I were wearing that dress, I would absolutely walk around like that making velociraptor noises.


HooterEnthusiast t1_j9ur6lq wrote

The person that bought that dress definitely tried to do that pose immediately after she put the dress on. She probably fell.


kal2113 t1_j9utfas wrote

Vin about to kick some ass at a ball


MinotaurWasLost t1_j9uwyfc wrote

They aren't actually posing; they slipped on a banana peel.


maahc t1_j9v7500 wrote

How would this look on me if I were a red panda?


willengineer4beer t1_j9va9cc wrote

I think this mannequin just scored the game winning point in the International Formalwear Ping-Pong Tournament Championship


Eroe777 t1_j9vfu1p wrote

The caption at the top says 'long sleeved'.

The photo shows a strapless dress.

I'm confused.


Gabriele1966 t1_j9vzphu wrote

This is what you will look like in this dress when you're slobbering drunk and fall off the raised dance floor. Magnificent!


happycamperii t1_j9w3481 wrote

It's the first of the new Daniel Larusso collection.


Confidenceboost82 t1_j9wjqam wrote

Trinity going shopping for a new dress with Neo

"I like this one!"


d7it23js t1_j9x0eaj wrote

Everyone doing the Wednesday dance.


Overdose08 t1_j9xo74b wrote

When the Shockwave of Superman doing his Superhero Landing hits a random pedestrian.


EnderDragon968 t1_j9zdcwi wrote

It looks like the funny finnish man who casts ice in clash royale


skdewit t1_j9zerr3 wrote

I only thought of it because when I was a little kid I’d lay in bed at night and imagine what my statue would look like in whatever position I was laying in. (We went to a LOT of museums) so I guess it is a weird quirk that finally payed off in the most random of instances! And I, also, am an adventure time fan!