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uncleKipp t1_j98b8w9 wrote

Actually read it in the little shits voice & everything, that is lodged deep in the subconscious...

Caught me off guard. 😆


scarlettkizzes3 OP t1_j98bwr7 wrote

😂😂 I was snorting for my son and laughing at myself lol


Gonzostewie t1_j98hwlr wrote

My favorite episodes are where she can't whistle. and all of the batteries inside George's new dinosaur. Daddy pig dumps out like 35 batteries. It hit me right in the fatherhood. All themq damn noisemakers take a million batteries.


scarlettkizzes3 OP t1_j98i0q5 wrote

Hahahaha yessss! When she can’t whistle and then Susie does and she hangs up ahhahaha I love that you guys know these too they live rent free in my head I thought I was alone 😩😩😂😂💀


Digzalot t1_j9a6w2o wrote

That's definitely top 5 in Peppa. My favourite is the episode where they go to stay at their aunt and uncle's place, and they're trying to get Baby Alexander to sleep by running the vacuum and playing the tuba - "he needs loud noises to fall asleep!" Then they walk him in circles around the house in the stroller. I was like, damn, this episode hits me right in the feels!


allllthedramallama t1_j9j03wj wrote

Oh man, that was the first episode of peppa that I ever watched, she's so savage lol


Liquidwombat t1_j98ag3f wrote

I love how shitty she can be sometimes

My favorite episode is the one where the school needs a new roof and they have a charity pledge run, but none of the other adults take part it’s just daddy pig and then all of the other adults get a bus and follow him and laugh at the fat man running


No-Transition4060 t1_j98u2t4 wrote

Daddy Pig is the glue that holds that community together. That and their horse neighbours.


GANDORF57 t1_j994o1x wrote

^(PEPPA:) "Can I still have his dessert?"


HauntedHippie t1_j98oz0v wrote

For the main character in a children’s series, Peppa Pig is next level petty and spiteful.


meyersjl30 t1_j9cpo4k wrote

Terrible message for kids. Bluey ALL day over Peppa.


Azurestar21 t1_j9ft8j7 wrote

Yes. Yes yes yes. Yes. Fucking yes. All the yes. Maximum yes. Uberyes.


Killersmurph t1_j98d85r wrote

Future management material right there.


jaytea86 t1_j99p6e3 wrote

Came here to say this. Call into work sick and they want a doctors note. For what? I ate some 15 year old onion rings out of the freezer and am puking Michelle I'm not going to see my doctor for that!


Killersmurph t1_j9aix6l wrote

See you in 3 weeks then, because that's how long it takes to see a doctor in Ontario.


tdic89 t1_j9a5g3e wrote

Peppa pig is a real nasty piece of work. No idea what the creators were thinking…

Now Bluey on the other hand, my wife and I watch it sometimes and we don’t even have kids, the characters are just so endearing!


scarlettkizzes3 OP t1_j9a5sum wrote

She’s a piece of work -but it’s realistic lol I work in childcare and more of the kids act like Peppa than bluey. Maybe it’s just my school 🤣🤣


hartemis t1_j9cynyq wrote

As a parent I can’t live up to the standard that Bluey’s parents set. They are too perfect.


tdic89 t1_j9eei7b wrote

Having watched a bunch of episodes, I wouldn’t say they’re perfect, that’s kinda the point. It shows parents not getting it right every time and learning from mistakes.

I’m sure you’re an amazing parent 😊


Commercial_Shine_448 t1_j99syhd wrote

Having kids more or less same age as Peppa and George I agree, they can be massive c*nts to each other.


Ramenastern t1_j9a2tza wrote

I think that pretty much makes Peppa a very bearable, sometimes downright funny, children's TV series.

"What is your house made of, daddy pig?" - "Bricks, so don't even think of it" is one of my favourites, as is the episode where there's a "glitter leak" in playgroup. Madame Gazelle getting a nervous tick when the children want glitter, and storing tiny glitter vials in a double-locked safe.


dragon3025 t1_j99586d wrote

Wow, Peppa is a dick.


googlyeyes183 t1_j9fh636 wrote

She’s a 5-6 year old big sister…of course she’s a dick. Lol


dragon3025 t1_j9fzjj2 wrote

Her design is also r/midlypenis and I swear r/theyknew. I also jokingly call her "Penis Pig".


satluvscheese t1_j98cecs wrote

Usually when a kid goes to the hospital they get "Royal treatment" with flowers and toys...


scarlettkizzes3 OP t1_j98cirx wrote

Ugh idk I remember after getting my tonsils out they gave me BUTTER TOAST. I was like where is my ice cream and jello😢


satluvscheese t1_j98cwt0 wrote

I had mine taken out too ..I guess after procedure your not supposed to eat dairy cause it messes up the scabs left in your throat...I just remember getting flowers and "Disney movies"


gadget850 t1_j98twt9 wrote

I guess having two eyes on one side of your head is "not sick."


Mksd2011 t1_j98uad5 wrote

I love Peppa. I also love when her and Suzy have falling outs. It’s very typical of young kid friendships and I’m glad to see it played out. Kids are brats.


FlowBjj88 t1_j988bgt wrote

Peppa's a girl??? 🤯

My son's only 5 months so doesn't do screens yet but my niece is constantly talking about Peppa. Always assumed it was a boy pig 🤷‍♂️


scarlettkizzes3 OP t1_j988ko8 wrote

Peppa is the big sister and George is the little pale thing with a cold pictured above 😁😁😂 I swear that the makers of the show are so funny and they put so many adult jokes into it and say stuff that would go over a child’s head it’s definitely my favorite but they are literally a little bit cheeky my son has said some stuff before that they said and I’m like ?! Lol cheeeeky.


Liquidwombat t1_j98alvz wrote

My 10 year old son still “mends” things and only uses the word “whilst”


OhItsJustJosh t1_j9a01n1 wrote

How did they get a text chain between me and my boss?


joshshotfirst t1_j9abvrf wrote

looks at George's search history

... Yeah, George is sick...


faesser t1_j9arazl wrote

I was reading that story last night to my daughter, Peppa is a bit of a shit.


Rudecles t1_j98ezlf wrote

I mean what do you expect, she’s a pig.


Medcait t1_j9aqrud wrote

Have seen that episode in Spanish a couple of times but somehow missed that.


Mental_Masterpiece95 t1_j9as8ph wrote

Ngl, after watching Peppa with my 2 year old there have been several times where I have though “wow, Peppa is kind of an asshole”


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mizinamo t1_j9acp04 wrote

"go to the hospital"?

I thought Peppa was from Britain, and would have expected "go to hospital".

Like "go to bed".


Azurestar21 t1_j9ft3ue wrote

Peppa is a cunt, and she's never taught to be anything else. I hate that show. Happy I was able to ween my kid off of it tbh


scarlettkizzes3 OP t1_j9g9b38 wrote

I’m happy you were able to find something that doesn’t trigger you so much because calling a cartoon character a Cunt is pretty next level you need to calm down lol


allllthedramallama t1_j9j0fsj wrote

Oh man, this is so realistic though. The other day, my two year old whacked her face and was crying, and my four year old got all excited, because she wanted her sister to get an xray. When I explained that she probably wouldn't need an xray, four year old got annoyed, and told me that next time, her sister needs to get "properly hurt" because "I want to see what her bones look like" 😬