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Pattoe89 t1_jaa8ywm wrote

No backpacks allowed?

I go most places with my backpack.

It's an extension of myself.

They can go fuck themselves. I'd not be going to that shitty shop, even if they removed that rule.


oowm t1_jabsyyf wrote

> No backpacks allowed?

There's a small record store chain in Seattle and surrounding suburbs (Silver Platters, for anyone who's lived here) that I irrationally hold such a grudge against, I'll never go back. Before light rail construction took it out, they had a store near where I live in north Seattle and walking distance from a large regional transit center.

One day, shortly after moving, I walked over after getting off the bus because who doesn't like a good record store? Obviously, I had my backpack with me. The door was open, I strolled in.

Not thirty seconds later, an employee was behind me absolutely livid pissed that I had come in with my backpack. "Didn't you see the [expletive] sign?!" No, what sign. "The one on the door, you idiot!"

So I walked back over to look and it was on the other side of the open door, not visible. He ordered me to take my backpack to my car. When I told him I don't have a car (a true statement then and now), he told me to GTFO or he'd call the cops.

I've never been back and simply won't go into a place that has a "no backpacks" sign on the door. For places within a half mile of transit, I will call and tell them why they've lost my business. A few have even taken down the signs.


Pattoe89 t1_jabwfhw wrote

>"Didn't you see the [expletive] sign?!" No, what sign. "The one on the door, you idiot!"

Here I was thinking American customer service wasn't supposed to be shite. I'd have left and taken the fucking sign with me.


oowm t1_jadwl56 wrote

> American customer service wasn't supposed to be shite

It varies wildly and I do try to remember that sometimes people are just having a crappy day and whatever I did was the last straw for them. I've absolutely been in that position.

But to have such a policy puts me in the position of someone enforcing such a policy and I'm not interested in that. I'm still pissed that the local baseball team used COVID as an excuse to adopt an absolutely bullshit bag policy, such that I didn't go to a single game in 2022. I might go this season but I will whine about it into every one of their feedback forms.


PennyoftheNerds t1_jab5mfv wrote

We have a store here that stopped allowing purses. I understand that it’s for theft purposes, but that kind of blew me away.


Pattoe89 t1_jabwgvg wrote

They'll lose so much more in sales than they ever would in theft.


PennyoftheNerds t1_jacvu5m wrote

The best part is that I did go in without my purse once. My list is on my phone, so I needed it. Plus, I had my keys and my wallet. The kid working the counter refused to give me a bag for multiple items, so then I’m trying to juggle them and my wallet, keys and phone. I never went back after that.