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thecanadianehssassin t1_j7zt5l5 wrote

Before and after pictures or it didn’t happen


LoadedGull t1_j7zu2bu wrote

Well I didn’t think to take a picture before because usually it doesn’t happen because usually I don’t leave my beard and hair to grow that long (I mean, I do usually grow my beard out quite large but this time was a bit too much lol. Why would I take a picture beforehand on the off chance that something random might happen?) my beard is a very fast grower but left it longer this time because I’ve been stuck at home all the time currently (medical stuff) so just didn’t bother with it.

Feels fucking great lobbing it all off though.

Edit: not everything you see on the internet is a lie.


doctorbloodborne t1_j7zu9sm wrote

Is your face cold? Mine is always after I shave my beard lol


LoadedGull t1_j7zuius wrote

Yeah, here in England it’s cold as it is anyway, went for a smoke out back right after and it was like a slap in the face lol.