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Forgetful8nine t1_jdj84yt wrote

Posting on my main...because why not?! daughter's fiancée saw a TikTok in which it was stated that men can taste soy sauce through their balls.

Knowing that I'd had a few drinks, she asked me if this was true - I said no. Then she asked the killer question: "Have you ever tried it?" Again, the answer was no. "You should try it and find out for definite!"

Had I been sober, I would not have dunked my nuts into a small bowl of soy sauce for science.

Oh, and no, I couldn't taste the soy sauce through my balls.


Hello-There-GKenobi t1_jdlirj9 wrote

Are you sure? I mean when you drink alcohol, it interferes with the tastebuds in your balls. I mean, do you not think food after a few drinks taste better? So you gotta try it without being drunk.