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Major_Twang t1_je5fyu9 wrote

What are we supposed to be looking at ?


absolute_panic OP t1_je5i5cj wrote

It’s an old game where you would make the hand gesture and get the attention of a friend. If they looked at your hand you got to punch them in the arm


FistCookies t1_je5k4b4 wrote

Below the waist though..


Tok3n- t1_je5ru7k wrote

If you poke it without them catching your finger, you get to punch them instead.


FistCookies t1_je5z4zh wrote

Doubt that happened much unless someone in the wild caught your ass ha.. typically you have a target acquired..


Tok3n- t1_je616pv wrote

Oh, I was fast…you pretend not to see, or use peripheral vision, then snap it in there before they know what’s what.


FourAM t1_je77axn wrote

Weird, the rules I know were that you have to put your finger through the hole, without touching it, while never breaking eye contact.


absolute_panic OP t1_je5kgyx wrote

That’s right! I forgot about that bit. It’s been a while lol…


FistCookies t1_je5l32x wrote

I honestly still play it at 33 years old. I always win because nobody gets it. Just punching everyone..


AffectionateDraw4416 t1_je66i7a wrote

My son is almost 30 and still plays this with his buddies. Little shit gets me with it now and then too.


FistCookies t1_je6fkfr wrote

It totally ran wild through my schools years.. it’s like it was imbedded in a core memory ha.


i_lurvz_poached_eggs t1_je5xkcp wrote

I thought it was below the knee


FistCookies t1_je5ymaw wrote

Oh mannn.. that’s pretty low.. sounds like playing in chairs or something..


FistCookies t1_je616yz wrote

You know what.. still below the waist righttt. I’m sure you are correct in a version by all means


WheelsMan1 t1_je5tgx6 wrote

>Below the waist though..

No dick punches...


FistCookies t1_je5yw2r wrote

Nah.. hold the circle below the waist inconspicuously


FourAM t1_je77k69 wrote

Yeah this was literally in the rules. Its so you can’t just throw it in someone’s face and then punch ‘em


DarkLordKefka t1_je73d4i wrote

Oh. I remember that game. Had always known it as Newfoundland Tennis.


P12oooF t1_je60xte wrote

Its called upside down white power symbol....


[deleted] t1_je5gcms wrote



Major_Twang t1_je5iibn wrote

Sorry - British.

Didn't recognise the white power thing. What's a padiddle ?


ellenkates t1_je5qez8 wrote

A car with one headlight out. The 1st person to see one and cry "padiddle" gets to punch the other.


not_a_sex_worker t1_je5ksbv wrote

It isn't white power, it's a game boys play to have an excuse to hit each other in the arm. Progressives call it a white power symbol because to them, everything in US is a white power symbol


jonny3jack t1_je5yq4t wrote

Weak. We've all seen many pictures of cops, etc. flashing that symbol. And they have lost jobs. We know what it means. A video game thing?


OblongAndKneeless t1_je6jzni wrote

It's a hand signal shared by white supremacists...a combination of W and P for "white power". The guy stuck it to his car upside down.


Nice_Exercise5552 t1_je6rp4m wrote

I’m not sure why people downvoted you for stating a fact. Yeah, the gesture has been used to mean other things. But it has most recently been co-opted by the natzi wannabes and used to mean exactly what you say it is used to mean. It sucks that it has been co-opted in that way, but it’s true.


HYPERBOLE_TRAIN t1_je6z08y wrote

You nazis keep showing up in every one of these posts to make sure everyone know it’s used in that way instead of letting people take it back.

You deserve the downvotes.


Nice_Exercise5552 t1_jecsxl1 wrote

Hyperbole Train, you’re intentionally obtuse. We’re obviously not Nazis, we are people who are calling out the Nazi dog whistles. If something in use is hurting people because it has been co-opted by a hate group and then the co-opted version of it ends up being used in things like political rallies than it should be called out when people use it so that they understand there might be unintended consequences of their use of it. The word “Idiot” was once a valid diagnostic term that would not fly today. Hysterical was another term that was in medical use and has since taken on other meaning and would not be appropriate to use today. For example, it would not relate to their originally intended uses if I were to call you hysterical or an idiot for calling us Nazis; that would be inappropriate.


HYPERBOLE_TRAIN t1_jedxs06 wrote

Spend more time thinking and less time preparing word salad. Self reflection would do you well.


Nice_Exercise5552 t1_jeh0s8i wrote

Just because you can’t understand something doesn’t mean it’s “word salad”.