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Usernameistoshirt t1_isxzlqv wrote

I don't get the reference, anyone willing to catch me up?


waffle-lvl-100 t1_isy09a0 wrote

The dude behind the goblin is called the goblin slayer from the anime called goblin slayer about how the goblin slayer slays goblins using different war crimes.


Usernameistoshirt t1_isy0edm wrote

Thank you, I have heard of goblin slayer but never seen it.


Squid_At_Work t1_isylg1n wrote

Good series.
First episode is very NSFW.


Secret_Ad7757 t1_iszdi7o wrote

Im pretty sure there more parts than just the one episode. And imagine there were some people people that it wasnt as rapey as the manga...


Squid_At_Work t1_iszdw7h wrote

100% Agree.
Anime can be quite deceptive in its contents. I know a lot of people that like to watch Anime with their kids so going into a series can sometimes be a minefield. Just saying "Hey the series is good, make sure to not watch this around kids/at work/on an airplane" is a bit lengthy though.


SilverStrangeTech t1_isz5ejd wrote

I saw this several times before it suddenly clicked that that was the goblin slayer. Comedy gold.


Nzy t1_it08i3o wrote

Also seems like a reference to the end of Thor 3


Jaspers47 t1_isyrk9m wrote

Alright, so what's the funny part?


waffle-lvl-100 t1_isytp86 wrote

This is what is most widely known as a “Tom and Jerry” joke. Character A is about to hurt character B, but Character B turns the table and harms Character A. The “funny” is usually the viewing of the actions taking place. The comic however chose not to show it instead only insinuating that harm is about to be done. What sort of harm is left to our imagination so the better our imagination the funnier the joke will be.


AcuteMeowcenary t1_iszc3r0 wrote

This is still not very funnyand I grew up with Tom and Jerry. Honestly none of this guys comics ever make me laugh but other people seem to like them.

To each their own I guess.


waffle-lvl-100 t1_iszd2kt wrote

Here are some glasses so you can read what I said👓. I didn’t say it was funny I simply explained the joke using Tom and Jerry because it is widely known show. That doesn’t mean that if you liked Tom and Jerry you should like this. Tom and jerry is a classic cartoon. This is a 4 panel comic strip whith current pop culture characters from different genres mixed together.


SirFancyPantsBrock t1_isyv12t wrote

Goblin slayer slays goblins. Green Goblin is a goblin. Goblin slayer slays goblins.


RaginHardBox t1_isxzvg7 wrote

It's like 3 or 4 different references massed together.


Usernameistoshirt t1_isy03nc wrote

I've seen the spiderman and Dr strange films it's the armor guy I'm clueless about


Frejian t1_isy0fgf wrote

Anime called Goblin Slayer. Do yourself a favor and DON'T watch it. First episode gets dark pretty quick.


Usernameistoshirt t1_isy0n82 wrote

Thanks for the advice, I have heard of goblin slayer. I has a feeling that might be it but didn't know for sure


Zedd2087 t1_iszjol0 wrote

I wouldn't call Goblin Slayer all that dark, its well written and doesn't follow the typical tropes that are usually present.

I would always suggest that people watch it and form their own opinions rather than listen to someone who says not to watch.


Frejian t1_iszqduy wrote

I'm not certain about the entire series, I only watched the first 3 or 4 episodes personally, but I do think it is worth cautioning people that the first episode at least is pretty notorious for how dark it is and the emphasis on the shock factor used in it. Especially if they are going into it expecting it to be a typical tropey adventure anime.


Zedd2087 t1_iszumfw wrote

Do you not read the synopsis before watching a movie online?


Frejian t1_iszvbds wrote

It depends on the movie. Usually, no I don't read anything that goes in-depth that would give away more than a brief overview as I will want to avoid spoilers since I think they ruin the movie. Also, I highly doubt an official synopsis of Goblin Slayer will say "graphic rape scene in the first episode". Maybe if it was a fan made synopsis trying to warn people it would be in there, but not in the official synopsis when that scene was intended specifically for the shock factor. Usually a synopsis is a general idea of what the movie is about, not something that goes into details of key scenes.


Zedd2087 t1_iszvkan wrote

It's an adult anime, not my problem if you watch it with your kids after seeing 18+, they dont hide that fact.


Frejian t1_iszw2gq wrote

Okay? I'm not complaining about the scene being in the anime or the anime in general at all. It is not my personal cup of tea (which is why I stopped watching after the first few episodes) but that doesn't mean I am saying it is a bad anime. I was just warning someone that it is a dark anime. They can either look up more info themselves if they are curious or see that it is a darker anime and decide that alone is enough that they wouldn't want to watch. It's not like I am trying to say that it is a garbage anime or anything. Why do you seem so angry about this? It's not that deep, dude.


Zedd2087 t1_iszxhq6 wrote

You suggested to not watch it even tho you didnt finish? Why bother if you dont even know how it turns out?


Frejian t1_iszxthp wrote

Because I didn't like it? Why would I suggest otherwise if I didn't like it?

Whatever dude, I'm done responding to you. Not worth wasting any more time on.


Zedd2087 t1_iszy5q5 wrote

Enjoy being ignorant, if you're choosing to criticize something you should know about it before doing so.


RaginHardBox t1_isy0oo0 wrote

Goblin hunter I think 🤔 no Goblin slayer, anime from few years ago. I Remember it because it had goblins gangraping a woman/girl in the first episode. Fun family entertainment .


_username-is__taken_ t1_isy1bc4 wrote

The dude with helmet is the MC from Goblin Slayer (the manga).

He hunts goblins and Spiderman villain calls himself the Green Goblin (though he is not one). The portal is from Dr. Strange


HolyCadaver t1_isy3a5j wrote

I saw the Goblin slayer and my mind immediately went to The Wandering Inn ;-;


Writingd3sk t1_isyck4j wrote

Right?! Rabbiteater doesn't use a baseball bat!


HolyCadaver t1_isydot7 wrote


Where's the Jade Axe ;-;


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TaiDavis t1_isy0729 wrote

Take off that fucking helmet!


Leviathon92 t1_isy2qcs wrote

What got me the most was the baseball bat.


Jtiago44 t1_isykip6 wrote

Was this after the goblin raped him?


OzarkaDew t1_iszs3bd wrote

The protag tends to take the weapons off the goblins he slays, now now I have a mental image of him in a beaten up goblin glider thing