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Paigenacage OP t1_iu8slgi wrote

??? Jesus Christ

  1. This bakery is in Ohio. Not Japan.
  2. Our maple leaves don’t look anything like this but obviously weed leaves do.
  3. This bakery is & always has been in the hood. Not a secret around here.
  4. I’M BLACK!
    Y’all are wild lol

Bayou_Billy_ t1_iu8uvip wrote

Wth is with the downvotes? for the person saying "hood bakery"? You know ya'll making it racist in your own simple minds "o0oo0o they said hood, that only equates to ethnic people right?!?!? so they must feel offended by the use of this word, so I condemn you for using it.

Because there is no way all the downvotes come from people who are actually living there being like, hey fuck you we don't think maple leaves in the corner bakery look like weed!

Fuck outta here.


Paigenacage OP t1_iu92ovo wrote

Man. Thank you. Some sour ass personalities in a sub meant for finding the HUMOR in things.


Bayou_Billy_ t1_iu9gisg wrote

Well, they can't help being woke as shit, so maybe we should cut them some slack? nahhhhhh fuck em haha