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rip1980 t1_ittnl1s wrote

When my sister was little, I printed a picture of her and put it on the milk carton. I told her when she gets a little older we were going to return her for the reward money.


Hellbawn t1_ittsl8g wrote

G’Day Macca…


ScreenRemarkable9207 t1_ittzhef wrote

now you can file a lawsuit for using personal photos without your permission


Cold_Pomelo3274 t1_itu3mnv wrote

I’m not sure if it’s true but I was told that fella actually died from AIDS, but anyway - not something you should be making fun of….


sinr_88 t1_itua6nl wrote

Nah yeah, he'll be right mate. Just pop down to the bottle-o and get him a slab and he'll be right as rain


Aldoc3 t1_itusm34 wrote

He"s a bit on the chunkey side to be dieing of cancer.


Gabriele1966 t1_itv2h4m wrote

The way his fingers cover that piece of paper, all I can read is: "Smoking cause lung cancer."


beeteedee t1_itv9qon wrote

Come on Tool, quit messing around and release a new album already


themacmeister t1_itw9rmx wrote

Why would anyone colourize a photo of a Japanese P.O.W. and also superimpose a hippy surfer photo which has no connection with the original photo...

No-one at a hospital allows a patient to get that emaciated. Also, no hospital I know uses the "hessian-sack-pillow". This entire anti-smoking policy has produced nothing but grotesque and fake photos, purporting to be gangrene (but actually being frostbite) and dental issues (which are just homeless people's teeth/gums).

I take everything printed on tobacco product packaging - with a huge grain of salt. The statistics they quote are batsh*t insane as well.


rip1980 t1_itxdzr6 wrote

I told her we were waiting to see if her real family loved her enough to raise the reward, but still far no so maybe we just take what we can get. Also said we always kidnapped the same first name so no mistakes and we can reuse personalized stuff and not redecorate (her name was on the wall over her bed.). Lol.