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Sparky81 t1_iuhpqsp wrote

I do the same. He just wants candy for himself.


BloodRedeemed t1_iuhpr7q wrote

That’s what we [husbands] do. He’s just making sure things are prepared in the event of something out of the ordinary happening.


bullskull t1_iuhprit wrote

Heck yeah. 10 pieces per kid! 😆


bsd8andahalf_1 t1_iuhprr0 wrote

he knows what he's doing.

that candy ain't going to waste.


mritty t1_iuhqctr wrote

I'm massively not seeing the issue. Those are all tiny pieces. Give each kid a handful. Were you really planning on giving each kid a single tiny one of those individually wrapped candies?


Bentley2004 t1_iuhqsw7 wrote

Can never be too good to yourself!


Pontius-Pilate t1_iuhr74t wrote

ah yes... candy for the kids, right, THAT'S why he bought it... rightrightright


Ardilla914 t1_iuhshyl wrote

I buy candy for us at Halloween and we hide in the house with the lights off and eat it ourselves so I’m really not seeing the problem with this. Are you sure it’s enough? We used to hand out candy, but we only had a few kids in our new neighborhood so we stopped. Wasn’t worth having three barking dogs going crazy several times a night.


zaqwert6 t1_iuhsymw wrote

I know right? He should have spent twice as much money on 15 individual pieces of candy.


terry5581 t1_iuht7n5 wrote

He is the 16th trick or treater


ProfessorSypher t1_iuhx09x wrote

That's just tradition. You buy way more than you need so that you have plenty left over for yourself.


wwwhistler t1_iuhzg15 wrote

Got to make sure there's enough

And that there will be some left over


Lemonpicker77 t1_iuik3wy wrote

Have to say I totally understand where he is coming from, I am babysitting my niece today so made 80 cupcakes, got two big massive bowls of sweets ready, her just came home and said they will be lucky if 6 people called.


dogspizza t1_iujr8ai wrote

That’s the best collection of candy I’ve ever seen. He knows what he’s doing.