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daveclampart OP t1_ix3ayfo wrote

I guess the more unfit you are to host it the more you are willing to pay in bribes. But yeah Qatar should've been ruled out straight away. Even if you ignore their record on human rights the original bid was for a summer tournament ffs. In 40C+ heat. 🙈


FatherOfLights88 t1_ix3io9w wrote

But like... couldn't they have used the bribes as a chance to get the opportunity to show how fit they actually are? Nooo... instead, they squander such an opportunity by continually putting their worst foot forward. Such a wasted opportunity.


hedonisticaltruism t1_ix3wtk7 wrote

> they squander such an opportunity by continually putting their worst foot forward

Eh, they probably think it is their best foot forward.


FatherOfLights88 t1_ix3wwp1 wrote

That's even more disappointing, isn't it?


hedonisticaltruism t1_ix3x5cd wrote

Was I saying otherwise? lol

I posted this in another comment on really how we get here:

TLDR: corruption fed from narcissists with infinite money.


FatherOfLights88 t1_ix3xl5b wrote

I was agreeing with you and emphasizing the point.


hedonisticaltruism t1_ix3y3sj wrote

Sure - I suppose the format of text without intonation or body language makes asking questions possible sound accusatory (even if I know your frustration is not borne off any sense of my dismissal but of being generally exasperated by the situation).


FatherOfLights88 t1_ix3yi1p wrote

I can't shake the feeling you're being contrary for sake of being so. There's no need for this interaction to have gone this particular direction.


matrixislife t1_ix49ooo wrote

FIFA awards based on how big the bribe is though. If Qatar were to spend that money on improving conditions for people they'd just have to find more money to spend on the bribes.


chanaramil t1_ix4d3yw wrote

I honestly think the people there who are doing the bribing are so isolated from the atrocities and so backwards on there view of human rights they didn't even think there would be much of a controversy.


jobbybob t1_ix4c1gi wrote

Countries have been wising up to things like FIFA and the Olympics, rather then building new facilities they are re-using existing etc. There is also plenty of data to show the revenue is never As lucrative as the projections, most countries loose a significant amount of cash.

These parasitic organizations are finding it harder to find a host nation who will put with them. So Qatar probably got it easily after flashing a bit of cash.


merlinsbeers t1_ix6mmfa wrote


They should have just bought the organization.


xisakkku t1_ix4yyvd wrote

If we are talking about human rights USA should not host 2026 wc then,not supporting qatar at all but just saying


nelson4070 t1_ix63869 wrote

Yeah definitely the same scale (ironical tone)


xisakkku t1_ix643gq wrote

China 1945-1946

Syria 1949

Korea 1950-1953

China 1950-1953

Iran 1953

Guatemala 1954

Tibet 1955-1970s

Indonesia 1958

Cuba 1959

Democratic Republic of the Congo 1960-1965

Iraq 1960-1963

Dominican Republic 1961

Vietnam 1961-1973

Brazil 1964

Belgian Congo 1964

Guatemala 1964

Laos 1964-1973

Dominican Republic 1965-1966

Peru 1965

Greece 1967

Guatemala 1967-1969

Cambodia 1969-1970

Chile 1970-1973

Argentina 1976

Turkey 1980

Poland 1980-1981

El Salvador 1981-1992

Nicaragua 1981-1990

Cambodia 1980-1995

Angola 1980

Lebanon 1982-1984

Grenada 1983-1984

Philippines 1986

Libya 1986

Iran 1987-1988

Libya 1989

Panama 1989-1990

Iraq 1992-1996

Bosnia 1995

Iran 1998

Sudan 1998

Afghanistan 1998

Yugoslavia-Serbia 1999

Afghanistan 2001

Iraq 2002-2003

Somalia 2006-2007

Iran 2005- present

Libya 2011


xisakkku t1_ix64jnb wrote Also check this out look im not saying qatar is innocent but just because the USA is your favorite terrorist group doesnt mean they are innocent


firemyth t1_ix6ilwy wrote

First of all, using a bunch of military endeavors/political coups is not the same as openly having a misogynistic,theocratic, openly slave labor using, hyper repressive, hyper corrupt government


nelson4070 t1_ix6m765 wrote

Hello? We're talking plain old slavery on a massive and public scale.