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unripenedboyparts t1_ix4g7kf wrote

You really should explain how these things are different. Because so far it just sounds like you're repeating a white nationalist doctrine that only exists to justify slavery. Namely, that people in prisons are laboring because they committed a crime, received a just sentence, and are paying restitution to society, rather than because some groups are worth more to this agenda incarcerated than they are free.

I'm not singling you out because I think you're racist, I'm singling you out because you sound decently intelligent and this sub seems to be a pro-slavery echo chamber due to the upvotes and downvotes. This shit is imbedded in society and a lot of people didn't even realize it until it was on the ballots this month.


rydan t1_ix51msd wrote

They are being compensated. It is illegal not to. Now you say, "last I checked they weren't even making $15 per hour" and you'd be right. On paper. But have you seen the cost of food and housing? Noone can afford both on just $15. Yet they survive and have a little left over for snacks. So in reality they are being paid more than you.


cain071546 t1_ix7ff3z wrote

I survive with food and housing making $17.50, gtfo with that shit.

It's slavery, there's no middle ground.


obscuredreference t1_ix5f049 wrote

> r/funny is a pro-slavery echo chamber

Sir, this is a Wendy’s.


unripenedboyparts t1_ix5ofnc wrote

I know it sounds hyperbolic, but people become less anti-slavery once you start reframing it.


obscuredreference t1_ix6sn53 wrote

By claiming that a funny pics subreddit is a pro-slavery echo-chamber, you actually devaluate the term, making people tune out real conversations about it (because then they assume it’s more ridiculous nonsense like that), harming actual activism against the real issue, which is tragically still horribly prevalent in the modern world.

So by being nonsensically hyperbolic, you’re actually damaging the anti-slavery cause you claim to be defending.