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GreggAlan t1_iy2wn4o wrote

Ugh. I *hate* highly peppered gravy. Whenever I order a chicken fried steak (which is a rare thing) I always have to specify no gravy or gravy on the side, and half the time the plate still comes drowned in "country gravy" that can vary from a good light gravy to apparently having an entire pepper shaker poured into it. Then there's the breading. Is it lightly seasoned or did they knock the whole pepper shaker into it?

Chicken fried steak without it swimming in a quart of gravy poured onto the steak, mashed potatoes, and rapidly tsunami-ing toward the vegetables is a concept some restaurants seem to have trouble with.

Remember that old saturday morning cartoon PSA "Don't Drown Your Food"?


Gfgd420 t1_iy2xn3j wrote

It's all a matter of taste. I think most home cooks and some restaurants use too little pepper but I can understand where you're coming from if you don't love pepper. Where you from if you don't mind me asking?


GreggAlan t1_iy35emf wrote

Idaho, bred and born here.

Whomever thought up the order of born and bred? That's... entirely the wrong order of operations.