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Antelope26 t1_iy9uic6 wrote

Must be a dude who is pretending to be a tattoo artist.

Do you conqure?


metalhead_karan OP t1_iy9umvb wrote

This is a legit tattoo studio fyi


j-random t1_iyadr71 wrote

Too legit to spell check? Sorry, but I think they have a reasonable duty of care to protect their patrons from things like this. If the customer insists then that's on the customer, but the studio shouldn't let this kind of work out the door otherwise.


thinthehoople t1_iyb2ec1 wrote

Even if the customer insists, a legit studio would refuse to do this tattoo.


[deleted] t1_iybplwp wrote



Nasal_Cilia t1_iybvo25 wrote

because of pictures like this. Not hard. Not everything is worth money and your reputation is one of those things.


Geuji t1_iy9uzr9 wrote

The white out is in the wrong place for a correkshun


thinthehoople t1_iyb2amn wrote

Upside down and misspelled?

No, it is not a legit anything with two obvious and easily avoided mistakes on a simple tattoo.


MrsSadieMorgan t1_iycbt71 wrote

I’m with you on the spelling thing, obviously. But you lost me with the “upside-down” part.

I had this argument with a tattoo artist, when I insisted on having a wrist tattoo done “upside-down.” His argument was that my arm hangs downward, so other people will be seeing it the wrong way. I told him idgaf, because I specifically want it to look right-side up when holding my viola with that arm. It’s a symbol representing the instrument (alto clef), so that was the whole point. Also, I only care how it looks TO ME. It’s not for others.

So yeah, if that’s how a client wants it. Do it that way. Our bodies are constantly in motion anyway.


thinthehoople t1_iyduzq6 wrote

For you or not, it’s still upside down.

Upside down alone, maybe a reputable shop will let that go, but misspelled? Nah.


MrsSadieMorgan t1_iyf0bzk wrote

And I maintain that’s a matter of opinion. I don’t think it’s “upside down,” since we hold our arms in different positions throughout the day.


thinthehoople t1_iyf2u80 wrote

But, you see, it is upside down and your feelings on that don’t matter one whit.

There is no opinion involved. Conventions are conventional for a reason, and this is an absolute.

Do people wear tattoos upside down? Yes.

Does it mean they’re wrong? Not necessarily.

Does it mean they aren’t upside down? No.

A tattoo like this is absolutely considered upside down.


naikrovek t1_iybkf4f wrote

maybe the mistakes were not mistakes and were in fact intentional.