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rivalarrival t1_j1ljduf wrote

You're down voted, but I agree with you. House panthers are able little killers. That bird is posturing to make itself look big, but that cat is easily twice its weight, and much more nimble on the ground. Any altercation is going to be on the cat's terms, not the bird's.


Asboxxx t1_j1ln8p1 wrote

Adult owl kills full adult cat.

It's a fact


rivalarrival t1_j1m06ay wrote

An owl certainly can kill a cat, but that is by no means a sure thing.

This owl ultimately suffered a dislocated wing, while the cat walked away without a scratch. In the wild, that's a fatal injury.

OP's owl weighs in at about 3 pounds. That cat, at least 10. If the owl were airborne and able to ambush the cat, the cat is toast. On the ground, that owl vs that cat? I'd put my money on the cat.

This is like a knife-wielding 10-year-old against an unarmed, full-grown adult. The kid wins every time, if he gets to ambush the adult. If he doesn't, the adult is probably going to get cut up a bit, but will ultimately prevail.