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TomoIsNotherDay t1_j6e3fuk wrote

Where did that actually come from. Why don't we say bless you when someone cuts one.


TheWrathalos t1_j6ef6ew wrote

I read in a book that people used to think a sneeze was your soul trying to leave your body and saying "bless you" would either keep it from leaving or help it to reach heaven. Though it was a book for children so i can't say if it's a reliable source.


WinterDotNet t1_j6i7s7j wrote

Heard that from multiple other sources as well. It's a stupid custom. I intentionally ignore people who say it hoping they'll get the hint.


CityofOrphans t1_j6ef9iv wrote

I think I heard somewhere that a sneeze used to be thought of as sins/evil/demons leaving the body, so people would bless the person who sneezed. I could be 100% wrong or it could be false info, that's just what I remember hearing.


AngryDuck222 t1_j6gqo8e wrote

The Simpsons. That’s where you heard it. Milhouse tells Bart.


CityofOrphans t1_j6gun37 wrote

I've never seen a single episode of the Simpsons, surprisingly. :)