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[deleted] t1_j66juw0 wrote

Reply to comment by pumaofshadow in Gotta love the honesty. by neilnelly

This is it. Fine for “gluten sensitivities” not OK for Celiac disease


Great-Ad3280 t1_j67ecyq wrote

As someone with celiac disease, it's just sadness everywhere for me.


KickBallFever t1_j69g3cj wrote

My friend and I went out to brunch with a person who has celiac disease. We had to go to 3 restaurants before we found one with food that she could eat. We already had a reservation at a restaurant that said they could accommodate her over the phone, but that wasn’t the case when we got there. We were already seated and had to leave. My friend was surprised that I wasn’t annoyed with the whole situation but I figured it’s more frustrating and annoying for the person who has celiac.


IamLuann t1_j6aaonc wrote

It is . Some restaurants think that couscous is Gluten Free. It is Not.


Great-Ad3280 t1_j6antvn wrote

It's pretty socially isolating because everything social revolves around food.


james2432 t1_j68oedu wrote

Man that sucks, gluten makes shit so tasty


gmatney t1_j69bzo4 wrote

It saps the enjoyment out of food and dining experiences

It's nice that the education on cross-contamination is improving, but unless a restaurant has a dedicated prep area for it, it's rolling the dice with every order.


wonkyfunk t1_j69jetc wrote

My mum has celiac disease and it's so sad not being able to take her places because of it. I feel your pain