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tren_rivard t1_j79mnc4 wrote

I wish I could get paid 100% for 50% work too. Makes no sense though, life isn't made up of wishes and rainbows.

Realistically, you know what people would do with that free time? Get another job.


ackillesBAC t1_j79obxa wrote

What a novel idea, work 2 different jobs 4 hours each for more money.

BTW you may be surprised to learn many many people don't work 100% of the time they are currently payed to work. People tend to be alot more productive when they are at work less, as shown in many studies like this one

There's no law saying that you can't go and get a second job if you want more money, and that gives even more power and options to the people. I would say that would even bring back the old concept that work hard to get money. I'd say in modern corporate structure working hard quite often gets you nothing, sometimes even gets you punished


tren_rivard t1_j79r1e3 wrote

So you just destroyed your own argument that less time working would lead to a better quality of life. Nice going!


ackillesBAC t1_j7a7ov5 wrote

I said if you want more money. There's a big difference between working 8 hours to barely survive and working 4 hours to barely survive.

If you equate money to happiness then you can work 3 or 4 jobs if you want. If you equate free time, family, friends, hobbies yada yada with happiness you can work one job 4 hours a day. It's your choice and that's the point.