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nicuramar t1_j7ak2v3 wrote

> MIT also figured out how to hack into any speaker or microphone to map a room without the people inside knowing.

I bet that if one finds the source for this, there are a number of caveats and limitations that didn’t make it into your summary :)


pileofcrustycumsocs t1_j7c126d wrote

This article says literally nothing about hacking into the speakers. The whole thing is just that they added a program that ignores back ground noise on to an existing method of mapping a room via echolocation, it doesn’t say anything about remotely activating random speakers to do this


trumpcovfefe t1_j7c82ko wrote

Dude its nearly been a decade since I read the original article. The original article talks about the tech and utilizing it to map rooms in hostage situation. Similar to how heat signatures are currently used.

Obviously the speakers/microphones need to be connected to a network.