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Mattcheco t1_j7jv03f wrote

PPI is the relationship between resolution and screen size. Nothing to do with quality. This is why a phone or laptop with a 4k screen is ridiculous.


AadamAtomic t1_j7jvb5t wrote

>PPI is the relationship between resolution and screen size.

CORRECT! Together they both make "quality".

This circles back to my previous comment about Apple having weird ass displays and having them downscale their images with the iOS software!

This has been common knowledge for a Long time.


Mattcheco t1_j7jzmj6 wrote

Fidelity is what you’re looking for. Not a fan of Apple but their “weird ass displays” is a feature not a bug. It means you get very acceptable PPI without the bullshit advertising around resolution. See 4k phones etc etc.