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UsecMyNuts t1_j9apsf8 wrote

And they’re carried over to the supplier, not amazon.

Why even bother talk if you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about?


Reeybehn t1_j9bwbly wrote

It’s not about money man. Unused stuff ending up in the trash is bad for all of us for multiple reasons. It’s a waste of money, sure. It’s also a waste of resources packing and shipping. Waste of resources used to make the product.

Then when enough people do this the price of shipping and returns (not generally as relevant for Amazon but definitely for other retailers) goes up and everyone complains. Price of products goes up (definitely also relevant for Amazon) to compensate for the money they spend on this waste and guess what, everyone complains again. Its a net loss for everyone involved: produced, retailer, consumer, and our planet.