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Young_warthogg t1_j9bk6ti wrote

I’m on the Medtronic guardian sensor, I asked my endo about switching over given all the positive things I’ve heard. Her reaction was “your a1c is under 7, why are you going to change what works” so I’ll stick with it for now.

Does the Dexcom automatically adjust basal rate based on bgl? Right now the guardian does and with the next version can auto bolus correction doses.


___Dan___ t1_j9c70ry wrote

Medtronic has been one of the worst systems out there for several years running. And what your endo said is hardly a reason not to change. Push back if you want the dexcom, you have to own the results and live with it everyday not your endo. I’d even fire the endo and move on if you have to


LastStar007 t1_j9cpnnl wrote

Dexcom only makes CGMs, not pumps, so they've partnered with Tandem.

Dexcom and Tandem delivered the auto bolus correction doses years ago. Surprised Medtronic hasn't caught up yet.

Edit: also, the fact that you're so successful with Medtronic makes me think that you'd handle the switch better than most. If you're a good shot with iron sights, you'll be an even better shot with a scope.