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Iccyblu3 t1_j9mimjo wrote

Doesn’t matter what brand, if i dont have to poke my finger daily then thats a life changer.


batman42a t1_j9mok8n wrote

When I switched to dexcom sensors that was a life changer. Not having even that would be great.


Iccyblu3 t1_j9pliwd wrote

Yeah i have heard about dexcom- thinking about mentioning to my primary care.


tmac1997 t1_j9nle6g wrote

Freestyle Libre 3 is amazing. Size of a dime


g0ndsman t1_j9nz725 wrote

I am somewhat involved in the development of this device and I kind of feel proud reading this comment 😁


DismalButtPirate t1_j9olvgd wrote

My younger sister (mid 20s) LOVES hers too. She strongly dislikes dexcom products. Practically saved her life one night - around 3am while sleeping her blood sugar was rapidly dropping, triggering her emergency text message alarms to family members.

She was so deeply out of it that her incoming phone calls/app alarms weren’t waking her. Eventually we got her boyfriend to her and he ended up sort of force feeding her. If he had been later in arriving we would’ve had to call 911. He said she was catatonic.


g0ndsman t1_j9on89r wrote

Happy to read that it helps people so much. I don't directly work on medical devices, but my company makes stuff which is used for the production of this device (can't get more specific than that, there are NDAs) and it's always a good feeling when I realize that my work has real impact on people's lives.


grissenko t1_j9nt11q wrote

If you can get one 😑


eiscego t1_j9ntb30 wrote

I use the Libre 2 and it's not really that big and it's pretty cheap relatively!


grissenko t1_j9ntnyv wrote

There isn't anything wrong with the Libre 2. I wanted to switch from the Dexcom G6 to the Libre 3, but no one could get them in (my scrip is still waiting on availability). Got the Libre 2, instead, though for some reason even that is a bit spotty with availability between my local pharmacies and my mail order prescription service.


eiscego t1_j9nus7v wrote

Ahh I see! Well good luck! It's always stressful!