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DFLOYD70 t1_ja0nura wrote

There’s a big issue in the moving industry, because customers are putting them in their shipments to track them across the country. Some drivers are against it, and some are ok with it. I imagine that soon it will be come standard that people should know where their stuff is. I mean you can track a piece of mail or a box, why not all of your worldly possessions?


Battlesteg_Five t1_ja1c1sd wrote

What’s the issue though?

So, people can now track their stuff while it’s being shipped. But what problems does that lead to?

The only thing I can think of would be, people harassing their moving companies and getting angry because they don’t understand the route, which would be annoying, but doesn’t seem serious.


Acidflare1 t1_ja2epr9 wrote

Some moving companies are malicious and will hold your shit hostage while telling you that you owe them money or they lost it. Tracking might help you cut through their bullshit.


Myotherside t1_ja2qnzd wrote

So much this. There is no rational reason for them to have an issue unless it blunts their predatory business model


FeloniousFunk t1_ja319ie wrote

There are a ton of shady movers in the industry trying to make a buck by cutting down overhead. They’ll move your stuff into a storage unit until they can combine it with other clients’ stuff into a larger (semi) truck headed in the same direction.

This level of coordination requires quite a network to work smoothly which most don’t have, hence the excessive delays and demands for more money. Possibly the worst part is that they’re staffed by the absolute cheapest day-laborers available who probably don’t care about treating your property with respect.


jimmyco2008 t1_ja1q0kh wrote

Your phone constantly getting alerts because there are 5 AirTags on your truck in various packages


kamekaze1024 t1_ja1vmfj wrote

That really doesn’t seem like an issue. It’s a mild inconvenience to one worker that benefits and reassures countless other people of the whereabouts of their belongings


elPocket t1_ja70yd4 wrote

So what you're saying is, its fine for a worker to be surveilled and harassed by customers?

Where do you work? How would you react if customers surveilled your every move and harrassed you because you took a leak or got a coffee instead of dedicating your every second to their task?

Yes, there are shitty moving companies. But oh my god, are there shitty customers!


2beatenup t1_ja1wco4 wrote

Tin foil is cheap


MySonHas2BrokenArms t1_ja26o2a wrote

You gonna wrap the whole truck or just your own iPhone?


AnonPenguins t1_ja3r7k0 wrote

You'll ping someone in traffic, so the entire vehicle is necessary.


elPocket t1_ja713xg wrote

Just EMP the whole freight compartment. Might zap a PS5 or a TV, but hey, thats what insurance is for.


anengineerandacat t1_ja2zbd1 wrote

Very mild argument that one could ship something valuable and have the boys rob the shipper and the one who shipped can get their product back and claim on the shipping insurance.

Personally though I feel the pros outweigh the cons and folks just really get upset because it shows incompetence in actually shipping something.

Folks have been throwing these into luggages and finding out their shit is stuck in a hallway somewhere nearby rather than where the airliner thinks it is.


kidno t1_ja5mi0r wrote

> Very mild argument

I know you said "very mild" but there's easier ways to commit insurance fraud, and you really only get to do it ONCE, which makes this an impractical concern.


wtf--dude t1_ja2afo4 wrote

There is also the matter of privacy/safety of the workers.

Edit: yes downvote me all you want. But would you like it if anyone could just track you all day? There are pros and cons to be weighted here. But this is for sure a con.


FixTheGrammar t1_ja3abu4 wrote

> would you like it if anyone could just track you all day?

If I’m on the clock and working for these people? Um, yes? And the workers aren’t being tracked. The personal possessions in their care are.


wtf--dude t1_ja3hbu4 wrote

Working for these people is quite the stretch. You will be tracked a whole day because a small part of your day is about their cargo.

I guess I am glad we have better privacy laws in EU.


FixTheGrammar t1_ja3yc3d wrote

They’re only “being tracked” if they’re in possession of their customers’ personal belongings. Their stuff is being tracked, not the workers themselves. You get that, right?


wtf--dude t1_ja6trby wrote

They are both being tracked, you get that right?


Suekru t1_ja5b82k wrote

You aren’t being tracked, the luggage/package is. You just happen to be near it.

They don’t know anything about you so I would hardly say you are being tracked.


FldNtrlst t1_ja40zbf wrote

Only a small part? So are they only transporting someone's cargo for just a portion of the day?


analbumcover69420 t1_ja2buts wrote

They’ve saved so many piece of luggage now too; it’s amazing. Love seeing TSA with egg on their face. Laziest pieces of shit ever.


RikerAlpha5 t1_ja3ucne wrote

What does TSA have to do with luggage? Once it’s cleared it’s the airlines problem.


ca_kingmaker t1_ja5h7en wrote

Lol I think you don’t know who handles your luggage.