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orangeibook t1_ja4nddh wrote

“There is an ongoing news cycle about Linux 6.2 being the first kernel to support the M1, started by ZDNET. This article is misleading and borderline false.

You will not be able to run Ubuntu nor any other standard distro with 6.2 on any M1 Mac. Please don't get your hopes up.

We are continuously upstreaming kernel features, and 6.2 notably adds device trees and basic boot support for M1 Pro/Max/Ultra machines.

However, there is still a long road before upstream kernels are usable on laptops. There is no trackpad/keyboard support upstream yet.

While you can boot an upstream 6.2 kernel on desktops (M1 Mac Mini, M1 Max/Ultra Mac Studio) and do useful things with it, that is only the case for 16K page size kernel builds.

No generic ARM64 distro ships 16K kernels today, to our knowledge.

Our goal is to upstream everything, but that doesn't mean distros instantly get Apple Silicon support.

As with many other platforms, there is some integration work required. Distros need to package our userspace tooling and, at this time, offer 16K kernels.

In the future, once 4K kernel builds are somewhat usable, you can expect zero-integration distros to somewhat work on these machines (i.e. some hardware will work, but not all, or only partially).

This should be sufficient to add a third-party repo with the integration packages.

But for out-of-the-box hardware support, distros will need to work with us to get everything right.

We are already working with some, and we expect to announce official Apple Silicon support for a mainstream distro in the near future. Just not quite yet!”


QuarterSwede t1_ja56rce wrote

I was going to post this. Thanks for doing so. Definitely misleading.


Saltifaction t1_ja6tr74 wrote

Well the title is actually correct as it does work. Again this might seem to many as a joke but it's a huge thing and the initial part is done, from now on it's just steady improvements.


nitrohigito t1_ja5e2pj wrote

ZDNet is a Linux/FOSS propaganda outlet, they do stuff like this all the damn time.


modestlaw t1_ja3r5r0 wrote

Hopefully this will lead to less M1 Macs ending up in landfills.


semibiquitous t1_ja54fk3 wrote

Why were they going to landfills ?


modestlaw t1_ja5mqqq wrote

The long short is that enterprises cycle through their machines every 2 to 3 year and dump their old machines to refurbishers. The companies however don't go through the effort to wipe them properly resulting in an Activation Lock effectively bricking otherwise functional machines.

The companies aren't interested in unlocking hundreds machines one at a time and Apple provides no avenue for resellers to fix the issue themselves


casualsubversive t1_ja5o4c9 wrote

Well that sucks.


modestlaw t1_ja5oul5 wrote

Not for Apple, more M1 Macbooks in landfills means more new M2 MacBooks sold.

But hey, at least Apple is concerned about lightning cable adapters ending up in the landfill & conveniently stopped include one in every new iphone sold /s

Edit- slight correction, it was the wall adapter they stopped including, right when they switched to USB c ends on the cables and most users would want a new adapter


banmanche t1_ja6ffq5 wrote

i don’t see why this was downvoted. this is spot on.


F-21 t1_ja74qq8 wrote

I assume it was downvoted because out of most computers, old Macbooks seem to stay in use for the longest and also tend to get updates for a long time. Sure old PCs can run many lightweight linux distros (and so can old Macs), but OEM support from Apple for old Macs is something you hardly even see with other computers (maybe some business computers...).

I think that if you don't get locked out, they stay in use for a relatively long time and are also always sought after in the used market.


ArtKun t1_ja7ks0s wrote

Adapters, not cables.


modestlaw t1_ja7pydq wrote

Yeah I definitely misspoke, that said dropping the adapter when they did was even more anti consumer than I let on because they also switched to including the USB C to Lightening at the same time. Most apple users would need a new adapter to use the included cable completely undermining their environmental excuse for eliminating the adapter in the first place.


alc4pwned t1_ja7q7al wrote

>slight correction, it was the wall adapter they stopped including, right when they switched to USB c ends on the cables and most users would want a new adapter

Yeah their motivation was mainly money. That said, everyone who already had an iPhone could just continue using their existing charging setup. There were a lot of people saying this move forced everyone to buy a separate charging brick anyway, which is false.

In the long term, I absolutely support not including a brick in the box.


Larsaf t1_ja84z0p wrote

Why should Apple provide an easy way to unlock stolen machines?

But hey, organized crime has got to live too, right?


modestlaw t1_ja88be2 wrote

Apple will remove activation lock on a second hand machine with a proof of purchase, but they will explicitly refuse to do it if the computer uses Apple MDM (a feature only used by enterprise) even if you can demonstrate you lawfully received the machines from the company.

Hell, I'm sure these refurbishers would even be willing to pay $20 a machine to get it done. This isn't about protecting users, it's about controlling the volume of second hand MacBooks in the market


Larsaf t1_ja8kt3x wrote

Oh, sure, Apple could build in a backdoor into their MDM. Surely nobody but honest buyers could ever use that. Or the FBI.


modestlaw t1_ja8m220 wrote

The back door already exist.

Apple can already remove the lock, they just don't do it for enterprise machines

This isn't even an instance where information security is a concern, the drives are already wiped. This is to complete the factory reset and establish a new user.

And to get ahead of your "but what if its a stolen laptop" Apple already confirms the machine hasn't been stolen before unlocking them for non enterprise machines.


Larsaf t1_ja8mqts wrote

Ohh, suuuure. That’s why Macs with MDM constantly get hacked, and nobody uses them anymore.

Edit: No, what Apple’s MDM has instead is a button to take all selected machines out of it. It’s the organizations using it that don’t want to use it. Stop pretending this is Apple’s fault.


opmwolf t1_ja6eas4 wrote

It's just stereotypical hate on Apple. For some reason Reddit is the worst when anyone mentions Apple products. Memes.

E: told ya, mindless hive.


modestlaw t1_ja7rirz wrote

I don't hate Apple, i actually believe the Apple silicon laptops are the best consumer class laptops on the market.

They are well priced, incredibly built, and have great screens. They are wonderful machines for browsing, office productivity, coding, & video/photo editing. A windows laptop of comparable quality will cost way more and they absolutely stomp everything in their price class.

That being said, I abhor Apple's tendency for being anti repair, anti consumer, greenwashed marketing and building closed ecosystems. If they would support Vulcan, support RCS, and just be more respectful of their users right to own the things they buy, I dare say I would be a fan


MyVoiceIsElevating t1_ja6bz9d wrote

M2 Macs are out. Can’t be seen looking like a peasant with an M1. Promptly dropped in garbage can.


real_bk3k t1_ja5k3w6 wrote

It is good that people can ditch OSX, with their existing hardware.


AwesomeTheorist t1_ja3njn0 wrote

Could someone smarter than me explain how this is different than Asahi Linux?


notarealnameisme t1_ja3ot61 wrote

Did you read it? The article actually says those words.


Goof512 t1_ja4j90h wrote

Why is every subreddit now just "ELI5" with extra steps?


NewDad907 t1_ja5m11o wrote

I mean, do current versions of Linux support most PC components?

Isn’t the Linux joke that a bunch of your PC parts won’t work right, so you joke that you didn’t need them anyway because hey, you’re using Linux after all!


the_original_cabbey t1_ja5tsfi wrote

For the most part, yes. That “joke” is a couple decades out of date. (And even then, it was basically just bleeding edge hardware that only barely worked under windows anyway, or highly proprietary hardware that you wouldn’t have chosen to buy if you had a choice.)


Nostonica t1_ja5tct7 wrote

Hardware support is Stella, better than windows if the manufacturer goes bust and you upgrade to a new version of windows.

More importantly if you use a arm based CPU chances are your peripherals will just work as if you're on a Intel/AMD CPU.

It does help that manufacturers just re-use the same components and add branding, so a single driver will unlock multiple bits of hardware.

The drama occurs when someone creates something custom and niche. Chances are if that niche item is for server use it will get Linux support from the get go, if it's a custom 5$ RGB fan pack and controller from a random listing somewhere, then you may be stuck with windows. Oh and 56k dial up modems still cause issues.


Saltifaction t1_ja6uhnc wrote

Oh you have no idea what you're missing on.


NewDad907 t1_ja7ybmp wrote

I put Kali on an Alienware a few years ago. It was a good way to spend an afternoon. shrug