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bdrumev t1_jai6ikx wrote

The HMD phones are Zombie Nokia to me.


buzz86us t1_jaji7jf wrote

Wish MS had continued building phones with the old Nokia style.. loved how sleek the Lumia 635 was.. really a shame they didn't say the very least unlock the bootloader


sigmund14 t1_jajdhel wrote

My Nokia 6.1 is still going strong after 4.5 years. Maybe because it was a zombie already when I bought it.


cheapsexandfastfood t1_jajo6pg wrote

I bought a HMD Nokia XR20 after sticking to Samsung from the original Galaxy S.

It's probably the best phone I've bought in a while because it actually focuses on what I care about: durability and battery life.


BassBanjo t1_jakz5jo wrote

I think they started off really good, but from 2019 they turned to shit

And is why I decided to move to pixel


iMiahD t1_jair667 wrote

It’s almost as bad as the Verge’s logo.


h3yw00d t1_jaiw75u wrote

Reminds me of kia's new shitty logo.


[deleted] t1_jaj0o4z wrote



ernest314 t1_jaj3ale wrote

that HP logo is legitimately one of my absolute favorites ;-; like up there with FedEx


mdp300 t1_jaj9tqe wrote

I agree, that new HP one is pretty good.


h3yw00d t1_jaj31x2 wrote

When I saw the notification I didn't know what sub it was a reply to and I could only think of this



TheIowan t1_jaixbet wrote

Shit you mean they're not slapping nine inch nails logos on their cars?


adolfojp t1_jajodxm wrote

I like the new Kia NIN logo.




h3yw00d t1_jajokja wrote

If they'd have put a dot in the a, I'd like it more.


mmoe54 t1_jaj7bxy wrote

Oh noo... That looks russian to me


sanych_des t1_jaj98zj wrote

For me as native Russian kia’s logo reads definitely in Cyrillic -) КИ which reads ki


fakeittilyoumakeit t1_jajnxyj wrote

Unpopular opinion, I love this logo.


eenook t1_jajp8tu wrote

Looks pretty cool to me as well. I feel like people see all new logos as bad until they get used to them. Then the cycle repeats.


Garconanokin t1_jaic9ey wrote

They are Sega. They must learn from Sega.


walterpeck1 t1_jajb86m wrote

>They must learn from Sega.

Find a great logo in 1975 and settle on it forever? If so, I completely agree. So many great logos lost to meddling marketing dudes.


terrestiall t1_jaijzsu wrote

Tbh that new nokia font kinda cool


johansugarev t1_jajdc7z wrote

I agree but it’s branding 101 that people should be able to read the name of the company. It’s like they know it’s not recognisable so that’s why they’re also keeping the old one.


JustHere2RuinUrDay t1_jajiqdy wrote

>I agree but it’s banding 101 that people should be able to read the name of the company.

Didn't seem to hurt Gisnep


Statsmakten t1_jalv5mj wrote

I immediately read Nokia but that’s probably because I’m a designer and I’m more accustomed too negative space logos. And therein lies the problem, that if you need prior knowledge to read it then it’s not working as intended. It’s the same issue that Kia faced with their simplified logo (people googled “KN”) and a more recent example is Kate Bush’s new album “Fish People” written in ascii. People thought it was a code to crack when it was perfectly readable for a trained eye.


petepro t1_jaqpez9 wrote

Not really. Everyone talk about KIA, but people cant read Toyota from their logo either. With proper marketing, KN will become KIA.


ABotelho23 t1_jaithp6 wrote

Honestly they should have rebranded entirely after the Alcatel-Lucent acquisition. It's no secret that what was Alcatel-Lucent is what makes Nokia Networks what it is today.


Henrarzz t1_jajgko7 wrote

Nokia Networks was already big in cellular business before AL was bought though


jwkdjslzkkfkei3838rk t1_jajb0r9 wrote

Is the Nokia 7750 SR series the same device as the ALU 7750? I've been thinking of upgrading my home lab from a MikroTik to a 7750 SR 14s.


VincentNacon t1_jaivrr3 wrote


...what the hell is Aocia?


ourobboros t1_jajibsf wrote

The partial or complete absence of hair from areas of the body where it normally grows.


forgotten_tomato t1_jaj2g3k wrote

what's the difference between the two brands?


Artur2SzopyJackson t1_jaj87ia wrote

Nokia sells telecom equipment and software (let’s say all needed for network of telecom company). HDM sells their own phones under brand of Nokia.


Henrarzz t1_jajgdas wrote

Nokia that changed the logo is what remains from the company after phone division was sold to Microsoft years ago. HDM Global was founded from remains of that phone division after Microsoft ditched it.


admiralkit t1_jajil37 wrote

Nokia has always been an electronics manufacturer, but about a decade ago they realized that their mobile phone division was losing a lot of ground to Apple and Android. They partnered up with Microsoft to create the phones for Microsoft's mobile OS and then sold off the division to Microsoft a few years later. Part of that deal was that Microsoft got to use the Nokia brand made famous by their pre-smartphone devices that were incredibly rugged and reliable while still affordable.

When this happened, you had two different companies using the same company name. Nokia Networks was the main brand and still made lots of equipment like routers, switches, cell tower radios, and optical networking equipment. Nokia Mobile/Nokia Phones was essentially a different company, though as I understand it after Microsoft left the cell phone market Nokia bought the company back but spun it off as its own company also using the Nokia brand.


Zururu t1_jaiqarr wrote

Legibility: 0


Chanandler_Bong_Jr t1_jajh5jb wrote

I like the new logo, except….. why are the I and A in front of the braiding?


kaushikz OP t1_jal479n wrote

The new Nokia logo is mathematically correct. 😄 . 0<1


Necessary_Writing526 t1_jaiz435 wrote

this logo looks ugly as hell, and also reminds me of those instagram products


6894 t1_jajf399 wrote

ah, the "KN" or kia school of logo design.


OkTrouble5436 t1_jakip3h wrote

I love my Nokia 7. Everything you want for half he price.


petepro t1_jaqprez wrote

Lol some of you are doing free marketing for KIA without noticing it.


starcadia t1_jajelqu wrote

New logo. Shitty phones. It's only Nokia in name.


Chanandler_Bong_Jr t1_jajgzxm wrote

The shitty phones division is the one using the old logo.

Equipment maker Nokia Networks, the actual Nokia, is the one with the new logo.


buzz86us t1_jajhm6i wrote

Seeing this makes me wonder why Disney keeps on using Fox for their shows