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plastic_eagle t1_jb8wvpe wrote

An Apple TV does not suck, even a little bit. But it is quite expensive.


KublaiKhanNum1 t1_jb9jvg3 wrote

I agree my Apple TV 4K is awesome. So much better than the Roku I used to have. And the integration with other Apple products makes it convenient. I can throw pictures and video from my iPhone up on the TV and also pause the show from my Apple Watch. There is a full virtual remote on my iPhone as well.

But most importantly no stupid ads.


Jerkofalljerks t1_jb9d64n wrote

Don’t see a purpose for it. I didn’t see anything on Apple TV+, I’ve got Rokus and they do a great job.


NoUserNamesLeft98 t1_jb9ec4t wrote

We have a couple Rokus + ad blocking at our router. No joke, the router blocked 130,000 ad requests from the 2 Rokus last week, and a lulzy 183,000 a couple weeks previous. I have no idea why they do this, but 183,000 is about 1 request each per second.


toddklindt t1_jb9ml2d wrote

I have Rokus behind a PiHole. They generate a lot of traffic. I think the majority of it is telemetry, as opposed to requests for ads. That being said, I think Roku behind PiHole is about perfect. There are no ads, and its search will let you search for a show and it will tell you which service it's on. I prefer its spartan interface to one that's busy, or has a grid. I rarely channel surf. When I watch TV it's deliberate. A grid does me no good.


zzazzzz t1_jbs935y wrote

its becuse you block it, it requests an ad, connection gets holed. so it retries to fetch the ad ad infinitum.


StrategicBlenderBall t1_jbo0e7n wrote

Apple TV+ has some great content, but the actual hardware is by far the best of the bunch. I used to use either my PS4 Pro or Fire TV HD, but once PlayStation TV died and the Fire TV just slogged through basic use, I went to an Apple TV and never turned back.