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GhostBurger12 t1_jbqq4aj wrote


pogduhog t1_jbqqgxw wrote

Then I doubt that’s a small business since there are 460 IKEA stores worldwide and it is unlikely that would be their only customer.


GhostBurger12 t1_jbqqz8m wrote

You've been to 460 ikea locations? Or enough to know the screens aren't provided by a local business for local ikeas


pogduhog t1_jbqro4o wrote

Do you really think IKEA would be sourcing different screens for each store to support local business? IKEA was only an example anyway, 400000 are made every month - that’s an awful lot of small businesses don’t you think? The numbers don’t add up, small business can’t be consuming nearly 5 million Pis a year, that is not small business.