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imforit t1_jcaft4d wrote

All I want is a mouse-based gaming setup with an analog thumbstick to move around.

My example motivation is Cyberpunk 2077, where WASD works fine until you get in a vehicle, at which point a stick is so much better but apparently this is a weird stance to take.

How's the Orbweaver for you? Clearly you like it if you admit to it on the internet


spanman112 t1_jcb4t2w wrote

it's good, but as with all things razor, the build is cheap. I'm on my 3rd one and this one has some drift from time to time. Cleaning it with some contact cleaner usually fixed it right up. But i don't think they make them anymore. But they do have something similar called the Tartus i think, I used to have that one as well. I like them both, but ideally i would like one with a legit thumbstick.


imforit t1_jcbtqke wrote

I'm pretty sure the Tartarus stick is digital and maps to the arrow keys. Sad face. Thank you, though!


spanman112 t1_jcbw4mf wrote

oh yeah they bind to whatever you want, but either way it's a keyboard key so it's only slightly better

the only one i've seen with a true analog stick was the Logitech G13 ... but they don't make them anymore, maybe ebay?


spanman112 t1_jcbxxj2 wrote

just found this:

A little pricy for something that looks that odd. I could see that either being super comfortable ... or super annoying because of all the missclicks i feel like i would hit.

But if you happen to try it and like it, please let me know!


imforit t1_jccatso wrote

if I had that kind of disposable income I would ABSOLUTELY try it out! Should I stumble into one someday I'll try to report back.